Has anyone had a blood clot, before WLS?

I am really concerned about blood clots, I had a D&C, ( outpatient surgery),that took about 15 minutes, later that evening after surgery, I started having severe headaches, I had a cerebral Hemmorhage, AFter the bleeding in my brain stopped , I had a Large Blood Clot in my Brain., i survived all this, and it was never established the surgery caused the blood clot, but never ruled out either, Has anyone had a blood clot before WLS? Is there anyone out there , who may have had this, or may know something about it? I really need the WLS, but this is always there nagging at me?? Any help would be appreciated, ?? It has been 3 years since the clot, and I haven't had problems with anything like it since? Does this exclude the possibility of me having WLS?? Please HELP....    — melissa S. (posted on January 2, 2004)

January 1, 2004
I had bi-lateral pulmonary emboli 6 months before my WLS and had no problems. I was instructed to stop my Coumadin a week before surgery and I started it up again a week or so after surgery...JR (open RNY 07/17/02 -204# since surgery, -217# total, 10# til goal!!!)
   — John Rushton

January 2, 2004
I had a blood clot in my right arm and in my right leg in 1991. I had weight loss surgery in 2003. I have had no problems with blood clots after surgery. Your past medical history being BAD can only HELP you qualify for WLS. God bless you in your journey and I don't think because it has happened before that you will be a person who should worry about blood clots anymore than anyone else.
   — Eleanore Davis

January 2, 2004
I have a blood clot on the lower left venticle of my heart. I had a stroke in 1998 and a TIA (mini-stroke) also in 1998. My WLS doctor told me that I was a high risk surgery, but agreed to do my surgery. Please read my profile for more details. I had to stop Coumdin one week before surgery and take Lovenox injections for the week, then I was put on Hepren for surgery. After surgery, I went back on Coumdin, and now I am on Coumdin daily again. I was told by the doctor that monitored my blood thinner medications, that not to worry, because I was already on blood thinners, I had less of a chance having a blood clot then most people. That sure made sense to me, and boy did it relieve my worries. Everything was fine, I am now 5 months post-op and down -90 lbs. Just follow your doctors and you should be fine.
   — cindy

January 3, 2004
I had multiple clots in my lung and two in my leg 1 1/2 years ago. My surgeon gives everyone blood thinners before and after surgery and is not overly concerned about my history.
   — Susan F.

January 3, 2004
I've had various blood clots throughout the years and I just found out after my surgery that I have a Lupus Anticoagulant factor in my blood. My surgeon put a greenfield filter into my vena cava the night before my surgery. This instrument acts like a filter and stops the clots from going into my lungs, heart or brain. Ask your Dr. about the filter, I'm very glad that I had it put in. Good Luck!!
   — Deborah

January 4, 2004
Hey, I had a blood clot in 1995, was treated with heparin (in patient) and then coumadin for 8 months. Then aspirin therapy daily since. I had my surgery on 10-23-03, then the day after surgery I developed a clot in my right leg. The next day the feeling was worse, they put me on heparin IV and then did a cat scan, I had bilateral pulmonary embolisms. they increased my heparin and two days later operated on me again to put a greenfeld filter in. I am on coumadin for like 6 months and I am sooo glad that I had the filter put in. I would discuss having one placed in before your surgery with your surgeon. It definiately gives you more of a sense of peace. LISA HACKENBURG (postop lap/rny 10-23-03)(334/275/???)
   — Lisa H.

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