My stomach growls alot, has it stretched? Liquids???

I am only 12 days post op. I have never been hungry not full until last night. I sat down and drank an 8 oz glass of milk in less than a half hour. My tummy has growled all day. I never feel full. I never eat more than I am supposed to but I drink way to fast, too much to soon? Have I stretched it? I hear hundreds say no you cannot stretch your pouch by liquids. But if you are only 12 days post op and can drink 4 oz in less than 15 min. is that bad? How can a doc check?? I have never dumped, I do not eat anything I am not supposed to. I feel really good but very scared. Please Help!!!!    — cookiedough (posted on December 6, 2003)

December 6, 2003
Girl, you are fine. Don't stress yourself about it. It took a long time for me to get hunger pangs back but everyone is different. Are you leaving enough time between eating and drinking? I know that sometimes I need to wait an hour before I drink because I stay full longer. As for the drinking too much. I thought I was too but my doctor said more power to me if I could get my liquids down faster. As long as you don't drink so fast that it makes you vomit. I know for me that sometimes if I drink too fast it makes my stomach hurt so then I slow tings down. I only do that if for some reason I'm thirsty, which I don't know how I could be when I drink almost constantly. So you are fine...I wouldn't worry about it too much.
   — Morna B.

December 6, 2003
I don't know if you are experiencing the same thing I did at first, but I could hear and feel my pouch empting the liquids. This may be the "growling" you are hearing, which wouldn't be hunger pangs but just liquid processing. It doesn't happen to me as much now because I eat foods that are more solid in texture than when I was 12 days post-op. I have also heard the same thing that liquids can't stretch your pouch and think that makes perfect sense, just as long as you are not drinking anything with carbonation of any kind in it. I am a little over 2 months post-op now and feeling great. Good luck to you and God bless.
   — tntwildlife77

December 6, 2003
Hi, Regina: Sounds like you're completely normal to me. My stomach growls alot, and LOUDLY! LOL! 4 oz in less than 15 minutes is not bad at all; on the contrary, it's good. What's probably happening is that the swelling in your new pouch is going down, and that's why you're able to drink more. Don't worry, Sweetie; it sounds like you're doing great! Moysa, proximal lap rny 08/19/03, 275/212
   — Moysa B.

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