Scale says I gained 10lbs but I know that's not right...

I am 9 mos post-op and am down 113 pounds. When I was on the scale jus this past weekend I was around 266 but now the scale is saying 276 and I know I have not put on 10 lbs or at least I really really don;t think I could have my clothes don;t feel tighter they are still getting looser and I eat about 1200cals or less a day sometimes a really really really bad day might be like 1500, but otherwise it's 1200 or under, could my scale be off and should I buy another one. I have become obsessed with getting on the scale everyday. and this gain is freaking me out? Anybody else have this happen?    — TotallyTori (posted on December 2, 2003)

December 2, 2003
are you weighing the same time of day? I only will weigh myself first thing in the morning when i wake up and after going to the bathroom. Are you wearing clothes or shoes when you weigh? put a new battery in your scale , sometimes when the battery is low you will get odd readings. also, what time of the month is it? I know I can easily put on a few pounds before my period starts.
   — Patricia T.

December 2, 2003
Victoria, Don't panic unless the scale does not budge for a few days. I have regular large weight fluctuations due to water retention. I am also approaching 9 mos. I weigh myself every day under Dr's orders due to the edema issues I had when I was heavier. Yes, it could also be the scale, time of day, whever or not you have clothes on - and even a floor fluctuation (wood floors). If I move my scale 1 inch left or right my scale registers differently.
   — M B.

December 2, 2003
sounds like your scale needs to be recalibrated.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 2, 2003
I think everyone goes through the syndrome when the scale does not budge. I got rid of my scale before surgery and I weigh myself on the first of the month. I figured if I had a scale in the house, I would get obessesed and weigh myself everyday, and focus on seeing the pounds drop everyday, which is not realistic. I really wanted to focus on eating right.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 3, 2003
Unless you have to get weighed every day due to edema or something, do yourself a big favour and throw the scale out. Our weight fluctuates from hour to hour, nevermind day to day. Get weighed at a friend's house once a month. You will feel a lot better about it.
   — defatbroad

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