can anyone in the kansas city area tell me about the costs of

joining curves? I live in bonner springs ks and my insurance is not willing to pay for the surgery and there is a curves near me but i would like to know if anyone out there goes to curves near me and what the costs are? thanks:) jeannie    — harleigh2002 (posted on November 24, 2003)

November 24, 2003
I don't know about Curves. I suggest calling and asking them. I belong to the Y and in November they are waving the initiation fee and then it's about $35 per month (I have a family membership so I'm not sure. I'm sorry the insurance won't cover it. Good luck.
   — Sunny S.

November 25, 2003
I don't live in KS, but I just joined Curves in Georgia 2 weeks ago, and it was $75.00 registration fee, and $29.00 a month if you sign up for a year, and $39.00 a month if you sign up month to month. Hope that helps. by the way, they won't give you any info over the phone other than their hours, they want to get you in the door.
   — plsmom

November 25, 2003
Hi! I work at a Curves in Illinois. They might not tell you over the phone but they will have you come in for a FREE figure analysis and FREE tour. They will offer you a possible discount but I don't know about that one. You even have a choice to try it out for a FREE week. They want you to tour and try the equipment out before they try selling it to you. I think you would enjoy it. I was denied myself and have been doing Weight Watchers and Curves. Curves for 6 months and Weight Watchers getting ready to start my 4th week. I have to say I feel 20 times better since I started Curves and that's not because I work there either. I lost almost 20 inches and lost 25 pounds in less than 6 months there. I didn't change my diet at first but now that I am doing Weight Watchers, I have lost another 14.2 pounds in 3 weeks.. Trust me, I would not suggest something I don't believe in. I just say, it's worth a try. Good Luck! If you need anything else let me know!
   — Stephanie @.

November 28, 2003
I know I am a few days late, but I have a few girls in my support group here in Kansas City that go to Curves, thinking strongly of joining myself, all they said was it cost $31 per month, have not heard of registration fees, but planning to find out more, The YMCA here wants $67 fee, plus it only includes water aerobics, all other classes are additional. Hope any of this helped. Patricia 9-30-03 314/257/190
   — pateblkbrn

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