I've lost 100lbs in 7 1/2 months is that good? I have been eating carby

foods lately which started a few months back a week before I get my period now, but now I seem to be eating carby foods more often and craving them alot more too, I still eat about 1200 cals or less a day, and lately I've been getting on the scale everyday because it is the first time I've been able to get on a regular scale in years and no I'm addicted because some days I'm the same weight and others days it looks like I've gained. I know that I'm really depressed right now and am seeking help for that, but I need to find a way to kick this damn carb habit, I'm not hungry during the day that much and will rarely eat but I amw aking up in the middle of the night and munching on cookies, nuts, seems like anything I can get my hand on. I still am looking to lose another 100 pounds and just wanted to know that I'm not alone in what I'm going through out there and if anyone had any advice. Trying hard to kick this crab craving AGAIN Tori-Damn periods!    — TotallyTori (posted on October 26, 2003)

October 26, 2003
Hi, It's hard to kick the bad habits. only thing I know is not to bring it into your house. I know when ever there is something here it just eats away at me until I go get it or have to atlease pinch it to taste it. But most of the time it's not here so I can't eat it. it is very hard. but remember we have to have will power or else we will be right back were we started.
   — Naes Wls J.

October 26, 2003
The only way to kick the carbs is cold turkey. Just do it! In 2-3 days you will feel like a new girl. I can totally identify with what you are going through. I am a total carb addict and have to completely stay away from them. Every fat woman eats carbs at night. It is very typical but it is definitely what got many of us where we were before WLS. I would suggest that you use all of the professionals at your disposal to get a handle on things. I rely heavily on my nutritionst and still at 9+ months post op see her every week. Not only do I get my weigh in but I have learned so much about nutrition and it has really taught me to look at what I put in my mouth in a whole new way. I also rely on my support groups and post op friends for a lot of support and guidance. Hang in there and just commmit to one day with no carbs. Then you can recommit and do it again. Seriously after 2-3 days it will be SOOOO much earsier and I would bet that some of that depression would lift too.
   — Carol S.

October 26, 2003
I've had to seriously get the carb monster after my back twice. I mean, yes, there is a lil scuffle daily, but I'm talking wt regain, wanting nothing to eat if it was not a carb--THAT monster. I went to a protein drink every 2 hours until I drowned the sucker. Whew. It was a bloody battle, both times. I won the battles, but not the war, of course. I mean, there was more than one, right? Since our disease is about the way our bodies use carbs, they can ALWAYS getcha if you relax around them. I'm not made of steel. I flower of bday cake frosting is a different animal than lil amounts of sugar every day. Pretty soon, the carb monster is in the driver's seat again. I make my protein drinks with water only, no milk or juice (sugars). I don't care if I can absorb the protein that close together, as long as I beat out the craving of the moment.
   — vitalady

October 26, 2003
I'm 6 months post-op and have lost 129 lbs. I was a BIG CARB eater and I know old habits can start to creep back into our eating. When I first started eating after the surgery I would eat at a table, small plate, fork, etc and for every bite I would put the fork down. Then I started eating in front of the TV again and before I knew it I was done with my food (to fast). Start writing down when you eat, were you eat and what you eat. See what is triggering your eating. Also get those foods out of your house for now. Remember, the surgery is only a tool. We still have to work on our old habits. These habits didn't go away when we had the surgery. I try to stay way from carbs like pasta, bread, and chips. I get my carbs from veges, fruit. If you write down for about a week what, when and were you may find that you may need to eat more protein. Good Luck!
   — Linda R.

October 27, 2003
Victoria, first, your doing awesome to lose 100 pounds in just 7 months. Give yourself some credit. Great accomplishment. You make the comment that your not hungry during the day that much and will rarely eat but awake in the night to munch. Perhaps you are not eating enough during the day? Try having a protein based snack in the evening before bedtime, perhaps even that protein shake, and see if that helps. Keeping the stuff out of the house is the best advice, if possible. How is your exercise, water? For some, when they get carb cravings, they drink a large glass of water very fast, that gets them full, and the craving passes. Perhaps have water at your bedside table and try that? Something else that someone said they did-cut up carrots/celery always ready in the fridge-munchies hit, ready made snack. I know water and veggies do not have the same appeal as cookies and nuts, and I am not telling you to eliminate all these snacks from your diet(I learned to incorporate carb and sugar snacks into my daily diet), but its a tradeoff. If I want my carb/sugar snacks in small amounts, I have to be consistent with good eating at every other meal and with regular heart pumping exercise. Slack off on exercise, cut down on the snacking..and I weigh daily too. Don't apologize for that. Its how I monitor my weight. Others only weigh when the clothes start getting tight-thats too much of a gain for me. Alot of people have to go cold turkey from carbs-not my choice-but thats a personal decision. The important lesson in all this is to find out what works for you and do it. No one can do it for you, sweetie.
   — Cindy R.

October 27, 2003
I'm way more concerned with your schedule of eating than I am in the what that you're eating. This schedule is the same one that ballooned a lot of us to SMO status! You absolutely must consume some calories - preferably good ones with protein - within 2 hours of waking up. If you don't your metabolism doesn't have any reason at all to wake up and get burning. The longer you're up and not eating, the slower that metabo gets as the day goes on. By evening, your eating junk (bad enough), but then your body isn't being a burning machine either. Please eat in the morning and then even if you have to set a timer, eat something GOOD every 3 to 4 hours (5 at the absolute most) until your more in the habit. I was never a breakfast eater, but now I find my stomach growls at me in the morning. Irritating, but keeps me on track.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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