
   — patricia B. (posted on October 6, 2003)

October 6, 2003
I dumped a few days ago. I was eating whole wheat ritz crackers mushed from being dunked in coffee (Puerto Ricans do that a lot lol). Anyways, im one month post-op from a Open RNY and nowadays, im hungry every two hours and i always have to drop everything to look for some animal product to eat (they have the most protein). So i tried to eat a few extra ritz crackers so i wont be hungry two hours later. Those 5 extra crackers made me so sick!!! I vomited as fast as i ate it, twice as a matter of fact. and i was sweating (i live in NYC and it was 50 degrees that day), my heart was racing, i was nauseous and i felt like complete crap for maybe 30 minutes. i dont know, the whole thing wore me out and i fell asleep after the vomiting stopped. When i woke up 20 minutes later, i was groggy but ok. I will never overeat again. I hope i helped.
   — mrsirizarry

October 6, 2003
Dumping is a side effect of the surgery, and one that most people want. It provides a behavior modification tool to keep us away from sugar, and sometimes fat. The syndrome is caused by sugar emptying into the intestines too quickly. Ordinarily, the stomach would process sugar before it gets to the small intestine, but since our food goes through the stoma fairly quickly, the sugar "dumps" into the small intestine quickly, and indigested. Your intestines don't quite know what to do with this, and so you will get a variety of symptoms, including rapid heartbeat, sweats, a faint feeling, dizziness, nausea, and diarhhea among them. Generally, the only thing to do is go lie down from anywhere from 20 minutes to a couple of hours. It is not pleasant, but it does swiftly and fiercely remind you that sugar is no longer your friend. About 70% of patients are affected by dumping, some on only sugar, and some on sugar and fat.
   — Vespa R.

October 6, 2003
Vespa summed it up very well; I'm a person who dumps, and let me just say that DUMPING IS BAD! I get clammy, and feel shaky, weak and faint. It's awful. I had symptoms like these when my blood sugar would get too low, but dumping is about 10 times worse than low blood sugar, at least to me! It makes me not want to touch sugar with a 10-foot pole!
   — Moysa B.

October 8, 2003
*****SUGAR***** is not your friend anymore... I had the bright idea to eat a hot fudge sunday ..yep I said it... Hot Fudge Sunday.... *hold hand up* I will never touch it again... talk about sick..omg i was in the floor wishing I would pass out... You will know it once you do something crazy like I did. leason learned~~~~
   — Dawn W.

December 26, 2011
If your dumping because of sugar intake especially at the beginning of symptoms if you can get liquid protein as a chaser, it make dilute the awful effects of the heart feeling like its going to pound out of your chest and other dumping symptoms. Let me warn you, you may feel a little sleepy after the protein chaser, but thats can be taken care of with a 20 minute nap or so. I am 40 months post Rny and back to dumping on sugar. I don't dare touch anything fried or oily. (Makes me nauseated) . In either case whether it was a moment of weakness or by accident. Some safe foods after a while can do it to. Once you dump, its something you don't want to repeat again any time soon. Another solution try liquid calcium citrate with Magnesium citrate if you don't have the liquid protein readily available or the protein is not enough. Hope this helps. ;)
   — Oopsthenewthinnermeisshowing

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