I must start protein shakes and need some real advice........

I am 3 1/2 years out and at goal weight. My doctor told me my protein levels were low and I need to drink two a day. My problem is I never starting drinking these shakes regardless of reading how others live on them. I cannot stand the chalky taste and absolutely dump from milk (even lactose intolerant milk).I also dump sometimes from fruit. I start a shake and have to toss it. I need some real help with some super kinds of shakes I can tolerate the taste of. I would hate to spend money on the shakes to find out they still taste bad. Thank you for your advice ahead of time.    — VIXYVIX (posted on September 30, 2003)

September 30, 2003
i flavor cottage cheese and plain yogurt with sugar free jello... dry from the package... would that be a possibility? have not done protein drinks so not sure..
   — sharjohn1129

September 30, 2003
We use 8oz skim milk, 4 oz of egg substitute and an envelope of sugarfree Carnation Instant breakfast, Goes down easy, has 24 g of protein
   — Tim W.

September 30, 2003
I highly suggest going to <a href="">Vidalady's</a> site as she has all kinds of <b>great</b> protein powders to choose from. You can buy samples so you don't have to buy a whole tub of something you hate...and she'll even work with you to find something you can tolerate. it would also benefit you to go to the <a href="">Yahoo Protein Board</a> where there are lots of great support and recipes can be found in the files section. <br> <br> Hope this helps.....
   — Jeralyn Merideth

September 30, 2003
Sorry. That link again is <a href=""></a>.
   — Jeralyn Merideth

September 30, 2003
The Syntrax protein nectars are made with water. I really like the apple nectar. It mixes instantly with water and is the same consistency as water. I think it tastes like apple juice. You can purchase it from: I didn't like the other flavors of Nectar.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 30, 2003
Try the Zero Carb Isopure in the glass bottles. They come in different fruit flavors, and to me, are much more palatable than the usual "shake". There's a few different flavors some taste watery, my favorite is the blue raspberry, or alpine punch. It's been my saving grace as I had the same problems you described. Good luck!
   — Sungurl B.

September 30, 2003
Those other sites are nice, but I have found one with cheaper prices....
   — Christopher M.

September 30, 2003
Have you tried UNJURY? I, also was tired of the shakes but have found a great protein supplement that is extremely mixable and tolerable- I don't know if you like coffee or not, but I add a scoop of the chocolate to my coffee in the mornings and in the afternoons I drink the vanilla flavor in my sugar free orange flavored wylers mix, or crystal lite if I have it. The product makers have also just recently created a non-flavored protein that mixes well in broth and other recipies. I actually look forward to drinking my protein now lol! In my earlier weeks as a postie- I did my share of gagging on and choking down some of the other protein powders and almost became discouraged until I tried Unjury. Sorry if this sounds like a commercial lol- I promise I don't work for the company- I am just thoroughly pleased with thier products. Hope this helps!
   — lyndaleigh

September 30, 2003
I gag on so many of the protein drinks too. I'm only 3 weeks out and can't believe the money I've wasted on them. I can't drink the Carn. Inst. Breakfast because of becoming lactose intolerant. However I found a tasteless protein powder at GNC, you can add it to anything and it absorbs the taste. So far the only protein shake I don't gag on is Dr Atkins strawberry. I add a scoop of the stuff from GNC and it doubles the protein grams. You can also sprinkle it on food, unfortunately I'm still on liquids so I haven't tried that yet. Hope this helps...Nancy
   — nancysho

September 30, 2003
Try the same products you have with water vs milk. When you say chalky, that makes me think you might be using soy or rice protein? Have you tried whey products? Most are smooth, shake up nicely in very little water. Add ice for a bit of heaven. There are hundreds of products out there that fit a good nutritional lactose free profile.
   — vitalady

September 30, 2003
I, too, am sold on UNJURY! I mix the vanilla with SF Tang and make a creamsicle. No lumps, bumps, grit, or chalk. Go to and order it online.
   — Gail G.

September 30, 2003
I hate protein shakes. I have only found few I like and I don't like them for long. However while reading the boards someone advised Sci Fit Amino Infustion 5000 from Vitalady the fruit punch taste like cough medicine. 6 tablespoons is 30g of protein. You can take it alone or mix it with something. You can definietly hide the taste. I take it before and after I work out. Sometimes I break up the doses 3 before and 3 after or sometimes if my carbs are hight i take 6 before and 6 after. Plus I eat cottage cheese, tuna salad, chicken salad, eggs without the yoke. I have tried and cut my carbs way low. But I think I will definitely order move of this. You take it and drink something behind it and the taste is out of your mouth. Versus the chalky taste. Good Luck.
   — Chris9672

October 1, 2003
I too, have had a hard time finding a protein shake that I could stand to drink, but I finally found the syntrax nectar. I think it tastes great! and doesnt leave that gritty taste behind in your mouth, and it isnt chalky at all, it tastes fruity, and you mix it with water. I got it from good luck and God Bless!
   — Katrina K.

October 2, 2003
There's an awesome company called youngevity and they have a great protien and vitamin/mineral soy shake (even for the lactose intolerant tummy). You can add to sf tang,freah fruit, fruit juice and ice in a blender for a slussy,etc... It has a flavor of malt the kind you get in an ice cream malt, no chalky taste. Website is look under "super food soy shake" in the weight management products. They let you order in bulk for cheaper and have been dealing with them for 2 yrs. and haven't complained once. I hope this helps you.
   — Jennifer R.

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