
went for pre-op yesterday and they did an EKG. was supposed to have surgery tomorrow...however, the EKG came back abnormal. I had one 2 weeks ago(before i got a date) that was fine. Could this be stress/anxiety related? Anyone else have this? I drank caffeine yesterday and didnt sleep well the night before and only ate once...they also took alot of blood right before and the tech talked to me about the surgery during the test. Any help is greatly needed im very upset i had taking the mag citrate and Amy    — cinamoni (posted on September 9, 2003)

September 9, 2003
I don't think your anxiety would cause the abnormality, but it really depends on exactly what they saw. An EKG's purpose is to look for evidence that you have had some kind of damage to your heart. If you had an EKG 2 weeks ago that was fine, they most likely compared it to the one you had yesterday and it was different - exactly the kind of thing they are looking for. An EKG is not as definitive as the other tests, so they will either have you repeat it again, or go on to a more-diagnostic test. Those other things that were stressing you out could affect your BP, but to my knowledge would not effect your EKG.
   — bethybb

September 9, 2003
I had an abnormal EKG during pretesting. I spoke to a cardiologist of my choosing and she cleared me for Surgery, and gave me a note saying so. She did want me to see her in a year after all the weight had dropped to see if I still had a problem. They pulled this same crap on me when I was getting ready for surgery, I just gave them the note
   — Dan W.

September 9, 2003
Sorry you are also going through this. You are not alone. I thought it was bad enought they cancelled my surgery two days prior, but yours is worse! This is what they've done with me. An ultrasound, stress treadmill (uhg) and cat scans of my heart. Its taken two weeks, but I am now cleared but need the piece of paper to turn into my bypass doctor. It was like doomsday for me. I know there are worse things happening to people in the world, but this was just too much emotionally at the time for me. I had a good cry, got over it, and am still waiting for a new surgery date. Cheer up. We all need a good heart check up. Women especially have their hearts overlooked, so we are two lucky people to have ours checked out so well! Be Blessed, you are in my prayers as in many others!
   — Delores M.

September 9, 2003
I too had an abnormal EKG .. my surgery was scheduled for the next day . I cried when they canceled my surgery :( I went on to have a nuclear heart test which was also abnormal ..then had a heart cath and it was normal ..had my surgery the next day ..that was march 26 of this year ..I have lost 86 lbs in 5 months . only 25 lbs from goal :) Im now glad I had all of those test .as now I know my ticker is clear of blockages at 48 :) hang in there its probably nothing ! Good luck Ruthie in SC
   — ruthie

September 9, 2003
Amy.....take a deep breath...relax...and breath again... I know this is very disapointing for you, but I fully believe that things happen for a reason... you said on your personal page that God must have thought this was not your day...I fully agree!! There is a reason that this is being postponed....go with that thought and try to chill out a bit....and Amy....DON'T SMOKE!!! LOL..... If you have ever meditated in your entire life....Thursday before you have your testing done again would be a good time!! You will be fine, the surgery will happen...all when it should... if you need someone to talk with, just e-mail me. I check in every day! Okie dokie?? Love and light, Lisa
   — medium

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