anyone know of cheap but good protein supps?

i have surgery in 9 days! go me lol anyway my hubby and I are having financial issues and i was wondering if anyone knew of an inexpensive but good protein supplement? any help is appreciated    — cinamoni (posted on September 2, 2003)

September 2, 2003
I understand the financial hardship stuff and finding everything for after surgery can seem overwhelming. I am extremely satisfied with a protein powder I found at Wal-Mart, Eas Advantage Whey Protein. It comes in vanilla and choc. I use the vanilla and mix it with 1% milk a banana, vanilla extract, banana extract if I want more flavor, and a little artificial sweetener, blend in blender with ice and you have a very yummy breakfast with well over 25 grams of protein. I also must say I use this "shake" as a treat in the eves on occasion, mix it up and have fun with your own choice of flavors. I also found ProCrunch protein bars at the GNC, very tastey and high in protein as well. Only comes in peanut butter or chocolate crunch but they taste pretty good. Wal-Mart also carries a low carb protein bar, just gotta check em out. The bars help me feel like I'm not missing out on candy bars cuz they are so yummy. GNC offers great deals and are 100% gauranteed, not satisfied just tell em and get your $$ back. GNC also has a gold club membership which helps save $$ on the vits and protein bars. Good place to start as I have had to switch vitamins a few times, wish I had known about GNC sooner. LOL! Congrats on your life changing decision and speedy recovery!
   — Patricia F.

September 2, 2003
I use EAS Metroplex protein shakes. You can get them at the food store, and also at Walmart. Albertson's is the cheapest, you get 4 8oz shakes for about $5. I was going to use Carnation Instant Breakfast, but the cost of the powder and the cost of the milk, it is cheeper to use the already made. I have looked at powdered protein mix in the Health food stores, and they come in such large amounts, and run around $20 bucks or more, and what if you do not like them. The EAS comes in vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, I like the strawberry best. Good luck at finding what is right for you. Also, if you are on food stamps, there is no problem buying them from the food store.
   — cindy

September 2, 2003
Carb solutions sold at Walmart in the poweder is about $8.00 per can and it tastes good (chocolate is the best).
   — Happy I.

September 2, 2003
Probably the most affordable high quality supplements that shake up with water are: Universal; Optimum; HDT 5+1. Those would be around $1 per 30g serving when made with water.
   — vitalady

September 8, 2003
Ease Advantage Whey (better than Soy) and Soy Proteins are sold at Walmart for $8.37 can. They are about 12 servings per can, I think, and are very good. They come in Vanilla, Strawberry, and I think Banana. Hope this helps!! Becky M.
   — bufordslipstick

September 8, 2003
I have found the prices at to be the cheapest around. Shipping is a flat rate of $4.90 up to 10 pounds. I typically order protein, vitamins and such to get as much as I can for my shipping price.
   — Laura B.

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