how long after surgery can u go back to college?

I'm probably going to have surgery in the next couple weeks or so but i have a problem. At my college you are only allowed to miss 4 days and then on the 5th they drop you. I have classes on mon and wed. if i have surgery on a monday and get out of the hospital on thursday will i be able to go back to school the following monday or 1wk post-op. I have someone to drive me and help with my books...i dont want to get dropped (i have a pell grant and u have to pay back) and im NOT going to postpone surgery ive been waiting so long....any help is appreciated <3 Amy    — cinamoni (posted on August 29, 2003)

August 29, 2003
I was told two weeks but I feel that you would be fine if you take it easy. The one thing you must realize is that you are going to be very tired and you must be motivated in order to still do okay in college. You sound determined and should be fine! 6/27/03 292/241 -51 (I am in college)
   — horserider0146

August 29, 2003
I had my surgery on Aug 5, and school started on the 25th. I have had one heck of a first week. On Monday I didn't think I would make it. I had weaknes, and my classes were sparatic enough I couldn't eat exactly every 3 hours, so I had to really adjust and even take yogurt and water with me to class. It was hard, but I could NOT have done it a week after surgery. I am sure if you tell your professors that you are having surgery you can get notes from another student and they can make an exception. My husband is a proffesor at a college and he had a girl out for half the semester due to surgery and she was able to get a grade in the class. You do need time to recover though. Don't be unrealistic, or too ambitious. I am over three weeks out, and I think I was a little ambitious.
   — KismetQT

August 29, 2003
I suggest that you find out if an exception to this drop policy can be made due to surgery. They may well be able to accomodate that documentable need. I suppose it's possible to go back to school in a week, (you didn't say if you were having lap or open), but your levels of energy and ability to concentrate will be low. Best wishes to you.
   — Vespa R.

August 29, 2003
original having lap and my class is only an hour and 15 mins...they wont make exceptions...and my teacher said as long as i show ill be who knows...i guess i could always talk to the dean of student...i dont understand why they want me to chose between recovery and my education...if i miss more than 4 days i owe the state 1900 for my pell cross your fingers thanks!
   — cinamoni

August 29, 2003
My hubby is a professor at a college and he said that situations like yours should be handled between the teacher and the student, ultimately it's up to the teacher to drop a student or not. He has allowed students to miss more than the allotted 4 classes if they have a good enough reason (health, family, etc). The 4 day drop rule is usually a standard college policy but a teacher has the right to decide if he/she wants to make the exception. If you have a health issue such as surgery then the teacher should be understanding enough to make exceptions. If your instructor isn't being very sympathetic then go to your dean or administrator and discuss this. Colleges have rules but there is no reason why they can't accomodate one of its students and don't let them tell you otherwise! If you were handicapped or disabled they would have to make certain exceptions so why not for a short-term disability student? Good luck and I hope things work out for you.
   — D B.

August 29, 2003
I chose to take a quarter off for my surgery. It was last spring and I took summer classes to catch back up. If you have other medical conditions that make this surgery neccesary than the school might HAVE to make accomadations for you. Of course it would depend on what type of classes you are missing. The Pell Grant is sent to the school then if you drop it's sent wouldn't actually have to pay it back. Although I completely understand if you are depending on it for tuition and living costs then you probably can't afford not to be enrolled and receive it. I hope things work out, just remember college will always be there, while your chance at surgery may changes, health, etc.
   — Sarahlicious

August 29, 2003
HI~ I had surgery on the 12 of August and plan on returning part time to college. I feel overall much better being 2 1/2 weeks out so you should really plan on being down for atleast 2 weeks and taking it easy for about 2 more.
   — danab

August 29, 2003
Davina is right. I also work at a college and most (not all) instructors will make exceptions. Sometimes whether they will or not depends on the type of material you will be missing. For example, typically science labs cannot be made up. There may be other disciplines with similar situations. If these classes are pure lecture classes, ask your instructor if you can have a friend tape record the lectures. Be sure to make friends with someone in the class before surgery - preferably someone who sits in the front. You will need to be able to borrow notes from someone - even if they can't tape the classes. Of course, nowdays many instructors post their notes, lecture outlines, slides, or overheads on the web. Hope this helps and good luck with both school and your surgery.
   — ssundlee

August 30, 2003
Amy, it's surprising your teacher won't accomodate you! You might use the Americans /w/Disabilities Act as your defense if the dean balks; colleges don't like to make the Feds mad--THEY might have to give back money! The ADA is extremely strict. Perhaps call whatever gov't agency covers this and get some ammunition. I do agree with the poster who suggested wait till Christmas. The anesthesia makes your brain kind of fuzzy for a few weeks, although if you only have one class you will probably be OK. Good luck!
   — Chris T.

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