i need some help what does ulcer pain like

does the pain stay high in the pouch or in your guts .is it always a burning.please any info helpful.thanks    — patty L. (posted on August 27, 2003)

August 27, 2003
I have an ulcer, and the pain is higher in the gut and yes if I forget to take my protonix the pain is severe and constent. I did that once(forgot to take medicine) and will never do that again. Hope this helps. Lynn
   — Lynn H.

August 27, 2003
I'm reasonably sure I have one. (To chicken to get scoped). I always thought an ulcer was a burning pain. But it has'nt been for me. I get pain in the pouch with no warning. It starts and quickly radiates around my sides to my back. It is like being pounched in the stomach (can't hardly breath unless it is very shallow) and talking is almost impossible. This lasts for 3-4 hours of the most excrusiting pain. This pain feels like something is terribly wrong and I'm going to die. I'll take gallbladder attacks over this any day! By the way I never had these pains untill AFTER my gallbladder was out. I had mine done LAP and he was'nt sure all the stones were out as something colapsed somewhere. Anyway, this started the pains, and then I think the codiene I was on might have caused an ulcer. I'm now on Nexium. In fact, when these pains start they always run for at least 3 hours. It usually starts at night when I'm in bed, before I get to sleep I can feel it coming on. One night it started and I decided to take a Nexium to see what it would do. The pain stopped within 3 minutes! So I'm thinking, surely this must be an ulcer or the Nexium would'nt had stopped this pain. This is one of the most painful things I've ever had.
   — Danmark

August 27, 2003
Daniel don't be afraid to get scoped if your Dr. recommends it. I was scoped earlier this month because my stoma closed. I was sedated and don't remember anything about the scope being done.
   — Lois B.

August 27, 2003
Seriously sounds like GALLBLADDER.....I had my gall bladder out years ago and your descriptions sound exactly like my former pain...Get to your surgeon as soon as possible for an ultrasound so that they can know for sure....
   — andy S.

August 27, 2003
Daniel, my DH developed a small ulcer about a month after surgery. He was scoped (conscious sedation) and felt about 95% better immediately after it was done. He didn't even need to get completely undressed for the scope - just changed into a gown instead of his shirt. When I saw him in recovery, he was wide awake, had his clothes on, including shoes and socks, and said he felt much, much better. He had to stay overnight on a Protonix drip and then he was on Carafate and Protonix for a month.(His ulcer was oozing, so they wanted to make sure it stooped before they let him go home.) No more problems! When my DH had his ulcer, he had sort of a knawing pain in his pouch and nearly constant dry heaves. The best thing to do when you have pain you can't explain is to call your surgeon! Don't try to self-diagnose - that's why those guys get the big bucks!
   — koogy

August 28, 2003
being scoped is not bad at all, my husb, who has not had wls, has ge reflux disease and has real problems with his esophagus, has to have scopes and biopsies every 1 or 2 years for the rest of his life. He gets concious sedation and doesn't even remember anything at all. In & out of the hospital in about 2 hours.
   — **willow**

August 28, 2003
I saw my surgeon for a two year follow up in May. He sent a letter to my doctor recommending I get scoped. My doctor said ok, but if it is an ulcer they would put me on Nexium anyway. So it was up to me to get scoped or try the Nexium. The Nexium seems to be working. I've been through so many painful medical proceeders (not related to WLS). I really fear this one. Don't want the gagging feeling of having something pushed down my throat. I should'nt feel this way as my Mom had to be scoped from "both ends" once. She did have alot of discomfort from the "lower end" scoping. I never heard her complain at all about the upper one. Guess when you get old, you just get funny about having something new done. ;) And this one I don't want done if I can in anyway avoid it!
   — Danmark

August 28, 2003
I had an ulcer 4 weeks after surgery..It felt like a sharp pain every time I ate something..Other times it didnt hurt at all...After my scope the doctor said it was right on the stoma so that is why it hurt everytime I ate..Hope this helps...Ps. 8 weeks on nexium and all is well!!!!
   — PWEBB0716

August 28, 2003
Re: Danial's post, below - A scope is NOT an uncomfortable procedure. They give you really nice HAPPY drugs (usually Versed). You will have a pleasant little nap, and wake up not remembering a thing. No pain before, during, or after. Just a nice nap. <grin>
   — RWH G.

August 28, 2003
Also check the library under miscellaneous health and other weight issues. Tons of info on ulcers and lots of descriptions of what it feels like. I developed an ulcer recently and it did NOT mimic any of the symptoms that others stated-I had no burning pain, no pain when the tummy was empty, and water tasted fine. But I had excruciating waves of pain after eating 3 or 4 bites that would last for a good hour or more. The surgeon put me on Nexium and 5 doses later, I felt all better. He said if I hadn't he would have scoped me, so I kinda agree with Daniel, why scope if you don't need to? And the pain was high in the pouch-when you pressed on the pouch-, major owie.
   — Cindy R.

August 28, 2003
Also check the library under miscellaneous health and other weight issues. Tons of info on ulcers and lots of descriptions of what it feels like. I developed an ulcer recently and it did NOT mimic any of the symptoms that others stated-I had no burning pain, no pain when the tummy was empty, and water tasted fine. But I had excruciating waves of pain after eating 3 or 4 bites that would last for a good hour or more. The surgeon put me on Nexium and 5 doses later, I felt all better. He said if I hadn't he would have scoped me, so I kinda agree with Daniel, why scope if you don't need to? And the pain was high in the pouch-when you pressed on the pouch-, major owie.
   — Cindy R.

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