How long will I feel like I'm going to die?

I quit smoking yesterday cold turkey. I know that I had to quit to have this surgery, and trut me, this surgery is needed alot more than my smoking. I have three kids to worry about. But how long am I going to feel like I'm going to die? I've been sick, I've been shaking, and everything reminds me of that stupid ciggarette, I can't take any meds, I'm alergic to well-butrin, and I've had cancer and cant take the patch. Please give some advice on dealing with cold quiting,,Thanks Bernice    — Bernice B. (posted on August 12, 2003)

August 12, 2003
Hi Bernice: First of all, congrats on taking that first step toward improving your health. I think that anytime we make such an important decision, our own mortality is always in the forefront of our thoughts. But rest assured - quitting smoking is a GOOD THING! :) You will be healthier, your surgery will go easier, and your kids will have their mom for a long, long time! It may help to see if you can find an online Nicotine Anonymous meeting (or one in your local area). If an online meeting isn't available, at least there's some additional support information on that site. Best of luck to you as you continue on your journey! You're gonna be FINE!!! :)
   — momstah

August 12, 2003
A few years back I went for accupuncture to quit smoking. I was not a believer in accupuncture but I had a law school buddy who had it done and it worked for him. Right before entering the office, I was puffing away like no tomorrow! Afterwards I threw away the rest of the pack and didn't go back for many years. Since then I've converted to a social smoker every now and then. Any way... the accupunture experience... It was very shamanistic. I had to hold two small vials of water, one named chicken and the other named egg. The accupunturist said I smoke because I had an allergy to chicken and egg. While I was holding on to the vials.. she pounded my back with a rubber mallet and it hurt like hell. Then she poked me with some needles (or maybe she did the needle first). The needles don't hurt at all since they don't penetrate very far. I was then told to lay down and repeat over and over... "I am suffering inside" while I listened to new age music. Something she did worked though since I stopped smoking afterwards. Maybe it would be worth giving a try? Just find a credible accupunturist. Mine taught accupunture at Temple University. The cost of treatment was 2 visits at $65 a pop. She wanted me to come for 5 visits but I figured I was doing well and didn't need the extra sessions. <p> Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

August 12, 2003
Hi, I know how ya feel I quit cold turkey almost 3 years ago, and my strees level went up. Now I am taking antidepressants, but also cuz I had a hysterectomy done too. They do help but sometimes I still find myself craving one especiaaly when I am around others who smoke. The only thing I did to keep my away from smoking was turn too food and that made me even gain more weight before I decided to have this surgery done! So please don't do that! Now, though, I am use to not wanting one, but still have the cravings at times, the only thing I can suggest you do is try to focus on getting into better health by not wanting a cig, that is what I try to do now since my surgery 6 mths ago, like I said food was the answer before, but not no more. If nothing else discourages you away from wanting to have one, then try to talk to your doctor to see if there are any other meds you can take for the cravings I am sure there has to be something out there you can take! Good Luck to You, you can do this! And, congrats for taking the step!
   — Melodee S.

August 12, 2003
Hi there. Don't know if this will help you at all, but it's worth a try....My mother smoked for 40 years then decided to quit. She found that the hardest part for her was not having a cigarette in her hand all the time so what she did was this: go to a craft store and find the small wooden dowels/rods. Cut one about the size of a cigarette and paint it to look like a cigarette. Carry it around with you. Even when you feel like you need a drag of a cigarette, drag on it. You won't get anything out of it, but it helps tremendously with the psychological part of kicking the habit. Hope this helps.
   — Jen D.

August 12, 2003
Hi Bernice, I sure understand your stress! I've quit many times and then started again when I got too stressed. I tried hypnotism and that worked for a while. You really have to WANT to quit for it to be effective. Try a health food store or a chinese herb pharmacy. They have some good homeopathic tablets to put under your tongue to help ease the cravings. I will be using them again to help me prepare for this surgery. We just have to learn that our health is much more important than the disgusting habit of smoking! I don't know about your faith, but asking a higher power to take away your desire will help you too. Good Luck!!
   — Debi W.

August 12, 2003

   — sissie S.

August 12, 2003
Hi Bernice, Congratulations! You Go Girl . . . It takes 96 hours for all of the nicotine etc. to leave your system. Stay away from coffee . . . drink lots of fruit juice. (^ hours for the physical stuff . . but a lot longer for the mental. You can do it! Best wishes . . . Michele:) RNY 6/3/03 63 lbs
   — Michele D.

August 12, 2003
Bernice...Listen to me girl...YOU WILL BE SOOO GLAD THAT YOU STOPPED SMOKING. Within a couple weeks, you'll start noticing how much better you feel and believe me, there are sooo many positive feelings you will experience by stopping smoking. I smoked 2-3 packs a day for over 20 year. I stopped three months prior to surgery. I am actually more impressed with the way I feel from quitting than I am with the weightloss and God know's how impressed I am with that. The benefits are much the same and even though it's pure h-- right now, I PROMISE you it will get better. Keep telling yourself that you made it through the day before and you can make it through today. I chewed sugarless gum along with Nicorette gum..Kept sometime of gum with me at all times. You can do this Bernice and you will be so happy that you have stuck to it. The rewards are unlimited! Good Luck and keep up the good work Bernice! Josii*
   — meltedbuttr

August 12, 2003
I quit three weeks ago and feel great... if you can, get some nicotine suckers, they will really really help. Thats how I did it and I promise, it is the way to go. I felt bad for about seven days, and after that, it was only the mind wanting them, but like you, I also had to go through the physical withdrawl... I promise, just got seven days and after about five, it gets easier....
   — tia S.

August 12, 2003
I am so PROUD of you that you quit. Drink WATER and flush that nicotine out of your system! You will get better EVERY DAY. It is not easy but you CAN do it! Your Personal Cheerleader!!!!! ME
   — Eleanore Davis

August 13, 2003
Bernice, I quit yesterday as well. I keep thinking if I want this surgery I have to quit smoking. I have the patch and taking wellbutrin. Take deep deep breaths. Chew on straws (that helps me) and keep saying to yourself you can do it!!!!
   — NJChick

August 13, 2003
Good Luck on your journey with out cigarettes, it's not easy and I'm sure that is not what you want to hear. But, when I quit cold turkey, I cut straws about the size of a cigarette and every time I got the urge I got my smokeless straw out. Believe me it worked, I inhaled and all (lol). It was the habit of having that sensation and holding something at those certain times we always smoked that helped. I had them in the car and everywhere after about two weeks it got easier and I even gave up the straws. But bloeve me even after 3yrs it is still threatening. Best of Luck. Oh yeah and trust in the Lord he'll also help you, better then any of us.
   — Joan T.

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