Potassium Levels staying low

Just wondering if anyone is having trouble with their Potassium levels staying low. I take liquid potassium for a while and as soon as I end the Rx it drops again. I'm also having spells where I get sweaty and feel like I'm about to pass out. I've not eaten anything at the time so I was wondering if this is a symptom of the low potassium. Thanks for any response. Lisa    — lisab07 (posted on August 10, 2003)

August 10, 2003
you could be having low blood sugar its very common take a couple of crackers or some milk see your docter i passed out at homei was glad that my wife was home i down over 200 pounds and take cadur half pill in morning half evning but please call your docter this can be serious good luck ted
   — ted M.

August 10, 2003
kadur is the right speling tat is for potasium ted
   — ted M.

August 10, 2003
My potassium was low and I have to take a Rx for it 2 caps 3 times a day to keep it up, where it should be. The sun and heat will depleat also, as well as all the water we are drinking, flushes it from our systems. I take the 10MEQ Micro-K cr extended release capsules. Talk to your doctor, and have your levels checked at least every 3 months. I was getting hot flashes, but maybe your blood pressure, or bloodsugar is droppping, are you on any meds for either one of these? Good luck :0)
   — wizz46

August 11, 2003
Sorry Ted. It's K-Dur
   — Delores S.

August 11, 2003
I had wls on 5-8-01. That summer I had nothing but trouble with potassium. I ended up in the ER many times having potassium by IV. That stuff stings like crazy. Anyway, I took different potassium pills but they never worked. Come to find out they were TIME RELEASE. I ended up on K-COR... tabs. Or something like that. They ether helped or the summer passed and my potassium did'nt get depleted so quick. I tried the liquid potassium but it was so vile that I could'nt take it. Low potassium is very dangerous. I was afraid of a heart attack when it dropped. Just make sure yours is NOT time release. This might be your problem.
   — Danmark

August 11, 2003
Hi Lisa, I have had a terrible time with my potassium, that is until I started drinking 1-2 glasses of low-sodium V-8 per day under cardiologists orders. What you describe can be a symtpon of low potassium, so can extreme unexplaned exhasution. Your symptoms are also a sign of hypoglycemia. Ask your doc to run some labs. Best of Luck!!
   — M B.

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