I am 2 weeks post op and can't eat!!

I am a little over 2 weeks post op from an Open RNY. I am neuseous all the time and am unable to keep down much food let a lone the needed amount of protien. I am not even able to keep down fluid other than water. I have spoken to my surgeon and he said it is no big deal but my diatition says it is a big deal. She told me to take Phenegren (SP?) that my surgeon had given me for neasea when I left the hospital. I tried that but it made it even worse. Has anyone else had this happen?? If so what did you do? Also my incision is opening up and leaking and my surgeon told me not to worry... that it was normal... but it does not look normal to me. I am so concerned about it all... I feel kind of alone because no one in my family understands what I am going through... any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated    — Tami S. (posted on August 9, 2003)

August 9, 2003
I'm surprised at your surgeon's response. It can end up being a big deal if 1)your staple line disrupts while you're tossing your cookies, 2)you burn lots of muscle instead of fat because you have no protein coming in, 3)you lose chunks of hair because of the lack of nutrition, and 4)you faint or who knows what else! I found that on days I felt nauseaus I could keep down two of my favorite things, both of which should be fine 2 weeks post-op: soy milk, and instant split pea soup, both of which have lots of protein. Do you have any favorites like that you can use as "staples" until this passes? Let me also mention that Phenergen is available as a suppository, which might be a better route to go, no pun intended! Also, I want to suggest you contact your primary care physician right away. Best wishes to you, let us know what happens!
   — Postop_nurse

August 9, 2003
If your surgeon won't listen to you, go to your PCP and have him/her take a look at your incisions, etc. He may be able to tell you if you are just being over-cautious or if there is something wrong. It is pretty normal to have tons of nausea, especially if you are eating/drinking too fast. Double check this by only letting a teaspoon of liquid trickle down your throat at one time. Once that is down, wait a minute or two and try another. Use only broth at this time. See my profile under "sharon m. brittain" for a good diet and stage/diet to follow. I went through eight months of awful nausea and this was the only way I could get stuff down and keep it down. Back yourself up to clear liquid broths until you can handle them without throwing up. It may take a while, but you will get there. Be sure to chew your vities up good during all this, okay? Hang in there, I'm with you!! Email me if you like! :~) Hugs!
   — Sharon m. B.

August 9, 2003
Zofran is a relatively new anti-nausea medicine that many post ops have had success with. Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 9, 2003
first off the first 3 weeks are going to be bad. Im 6 weeks out now and finally feeling better. YOu need to keep sucking on pop cicles they will help. I have visited my regular doctor 3 times in 6 weeks because he cares and listens to everything im worried about. some people have nausea for months i never did in the beginning i just didnt want to eat and still today i have to make my self eat. i have lost 54 pounds in 6 weeks but that has finally slowed. go talk to your doctor not the surgeon and tell him your concerns he may have some ideas that will help. I was lucky my nurse in my doctors office had had the sugery and i can call her whenever i want. good luck carolyn wells
   — carolyn W.

August 9, 2003
I have only one sentence of advice GO TO YOUR PCP RIGHT AWAY!!!!! It may be nothing with your incision but any little bug that wants to hop on will if your are not properly caring for an open incision. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY
   — robinm

August 9, 2003
I was 3 weeks out with a nasty little intestinal bug. Not my idea of fun. They gave me a shot of antiobiotics and phenagren then gave me some liquid antiobiotis as well as liquid phenagren. Within 3 days I was able to start holding stuff down. I was told that for the firt few weeks to not focus too much on protien. Just make sure you stay well hydrated. Each doc is different, and post surgery nausea and vommiting is very normal. Are you running a fever? Have any muscle aches? I would suggest going to your pcp and have him/her check you out to be on the safe side. I know it doens't help now, but as they say, This too shall pass. Lots of luck, and your in my prayers.
   — mellyhudel

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