
My legs are always falling asleep is this normal? I had WLS on May 28th. I am down 41lbs and very happy but I am not sure if my legs always falling asleep is normal.    — dddtaj (posted on July 8, 2003)

July 8, 2003
I was reading in the library since I am experienceing the same thing and almost everything said to have your B-12 levels checked.
   — horserider0146

July 8, 2003
Do the vitamins you take include the B-family? B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin or niacinimide) and B6? Are you taking B12 sublingually or by shot? Do your feet tingle, or just go to sleep because you can now cross your legs or anything obvious? Have you already reported it to your surgeon and/or PCP?
   — vitalady

July 9, 2003
hi there..this may seem crazy...but..i realized i have the same problem..what i figured out..when i was heavier i never sat on my legs..or crossed them..they were too cross them/sit on them all the time without realizing it..untill they fall this may not be the case with it may be..hope this helps..huggles n bb..
   — johanna F.

July 10, 2003
I agree that you should call your doctor. For me, legs falling asleep is low potassium.
   — joeandteri

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