What would cause abdominal popping/pulling sensation?
I'm 1 year post op (open VBG with removal of gall bladder and appendix). So far, I've lost about 120 pounds - not spectacular, but slow and steady. I've had an odd pulling/popping sensation in my lower abdomen when I lift anything over 20 pounds. It's somewhat painful, but more shocking than anything. Can anyone give me some insight as to what causes this? It's nothing like the popping/melting internal stitches I experienced right after surgery. What would a hernia feel like? — Tami B. (posted on July 8, 2003)
July 7, 2003
What you are experiencing could be anything from tight ligaments snapping
across each other when you move to a muscle misaligned with scar tissue
functioning a little odd to a small hernia. Please see your doctor as a
Q&A board posted by amateurs is not the best place for diagnostic
— merri B.
July 8, 2003
I just had a hernia repair last week. For me it was like a occasional
stinging and aching sensation. If you push on that area and cough, you
will feel a lump if it's a hernia. Or you can lay flat and come about half
way up into a sit-up and you will see a lump. Definitely something you
should have the doctor take a look at.
— joeandteri
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