Will Medical Weight Loss Protein Supplements be sufficient?

I have a huge supply of protein supplements from Medical Weight Loss Center left over from my program. I am planning to use them post-op for the liquid plan the first pre-op weeks, as well as a protein supplement. I have puddings, cereals, shakes, and soups. Does anyone know if and what the maximum sugar intake should be daily. The sugar content listed are 2 grams for an 8 oz. servings. I also what to know what is the best over the counter to buy for RNY surgery.    — Pamela C. (posted on June 19, 2003)

June 19, 2003
Hi! My nutritionist said that 2 grams of sugar was the maximum for the first six months after surgery, at least. Everyone is different, though, so it is going to be trial and error for you. You may dump on 2 grams and if you do, just cut the serving in half and wait about an hour and then take the other half. It sounds like you have a great cupboard, so dont worry!! Read my profile for a good idea of what a lap rny patient can eat. I am 18 months out and down 210 lbs. Good luck!!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 19, 2003
Pamela, when you are early post, you will not be able to eat 8 oz so you will have to calculate from there. The protein supplements should be just fine. I am working on supplements left over from another weight loss program I had froze mine so they are just fine. Good Luck!
   — Barbara S.

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