Has anyone had problems with Aspartame?

I am pre op and required to take Carnation Instant Breakfast for my meals for 2 weeks. I think the aspartame is making me sick.    — judyc7 (posted on June 13, 2003)

June 13, 2003
Hi Judy....I am preop too and finding I cant handle anything with Aspartame either... I am interesting in hearing the other responses to this as well.....
   — lillbitofsin

June 13, 2003
Do you drink diet sodas? Eat anything else or drink anything else that has asparame in it (diet coke, diet pepsi, etc.)? If you do without problems then likely it's not the aspartame doing it. Could be the lactose or some othr ingredient in it. I know some people DO have trouble with it and am thankful I don't
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 13, 2003
It's possible. I don't use it because it gives me headaches. I use Splenda products instead. Plus, my endocrinologist said that aspartame raises insulin levels like sugar does (I have insulin resistance from PCOS so I watch my levels)....Denise 316/153
   — lily1968

June 13, 2003
I only know that I have an allergy to aspartame/nutrasweet period. I have migraines and seizures and it is known to affect both. So I stay away. I tried it pre-op and o boy did it also upset my stomach like mad. I tried splenda and that also upset my pouch. Guess I am stuck with diluted juices which also upset me, so I dilute them more than equal amounts just so I get flavor of a different kind. I am hoping all my nausea will pass soon. Open rny 5/29/03-down at least 30 pounds now!!
   — Lise W.

June 13, 2003
I have had problems with aspartame for years - very bad migrine headaches. I used to use only sweet-n-low. Since WLS I now use Splenda - made from sugar, tastes like sugar. I have found Diet Rite soda is made with splenda. I flatten it so it doesn't hurt my pouch. Walmart carries blue bunny brand yogart made with splenda (6 gms of protein) and they also have blue bunny fudgesicles and ice cream made with splenda. I haven't been able to find any jello made with splenda yet. I hope this helps.
   — adeas

June 13, 2003
I can say I truly had problems with aspartame. I had cluster migraines so bad that they thought I had a brain tumor. Turned out that all that aspartame had built up in my liver. So I keep away from anything that has that has aspartame in it. Also FYI Flavor Ice sugar-free popcicles have Splenda in them. Hugs & God Bless, Brie Surgery 7-1-03 Counting the days !!!!!
   — mamabrie

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