Has anyone been required to eat Carnation Instant Breakfast only before surgury?

My blood sugar has gone up. I have diarhea, and don't have any energy. I am finding it difficult to exercise. I am following the doctors directions and drinking my fluids.    — judyc7 (posted on June 12, 2003)

June 12, 2003
Wow, this sounds nasty! I do recall a thread awhile back from somebody who was required to intake nothing but skim milk for weeks before her surgery. Seems to me that if you tell your doc your blood sugar is up, you have no energy, and you have the runs, it's time to find something else to do for you to prepare for surgery. I'm not even going to start in on bashing CIB itself (too easy to do), but I'm wondering if he just wants you to lose weight before surgery, and might be open to finding some other method (preferrably a rational one) that doesn't literally weaken you rather than strengthen you before surgery. JMHO!
   — Suzy C.

June 12, 2003
Are we talking regular or no-sugar-added? I have heard of a couple of drs who had a weird requirement like this. Personally, I couldn't tolerate the regular CIB. It gave me diarrhea. But the NSA goes down fine. I don't know what the deal was with that--I'm not lactose intolerant--but I will NEVER be trying the regular stuff again! Maybe you could just use supermilk--skim milk mixed with a little nonfat dry milk. The CIB gets its protein from nonfat dry milk and the rest of it is just flavoring . . .
   — ctyst

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