Has anyone experienced pregnancy after wls?

I would like to know what pregnancy after wls is like before I commit to going ahead with the wls and put off having another baby until all is said and done. I have been told to wait a year, not to have a baby at all, or it doesn't matter. Your expierance on this is...?    — Baby Blues (posted on June 10, 2003)

June 10, 2003
Hi Tamara, I don't personally have an answer to your question, but you can find your answer by clicking on "Library", and typing in "pregnancy" as a search engine. There are lots of information on pregnancy. Good luck!
   — sunneegirl

June 10, 2003
Hi, yes you can get pregnant, yes you should wait at least a year (according to my dr. - others say at least 18 months). Here is a Yahoo group dedicated to pregnancy after WLS:<p> <p>They are over 1000 members so there are quite a few moms, and moms to be that would be happy to answer all of your questions.
   — Ali M

June 10, 2003
I am about 10 months post op and 4 months pregnant. I have heard and known people who have gotten pregnant 2 months after there surgery with no problems.
   — Esther W.

June 18, 2003
Well I am 10 months post op and 21 weeks pregnant. It is possible. I was told before my surgery that I couldn not get pregnant on my own well in March of this year I found out I was in fact able to get pregnant on my own and I was pregnant. Everything has progressed fine and I have still lost weight. But it has slowed a lot.
   — Verna P.

August 11, 2003
Hi, I'm a little over a year post op and 15 weeks pregnant. I'm doing really good so far, the food intake is a little bit tricky at first but other than that I feel fine. I found out I was pregnant when I was having pre op testing for a tummy tuck. Talk about a surprise. I was signing the last paper for the insurance when the lab called with the good news. LOL!! It makes a good story any way! Good luck to you and everyone else who is expecting. At leat this time I should look like a "normal" pregnant lady. God Bless!! Erica
   — EricaJ

October 12, 2003
Hey I had lap RnY on 1-21-02 And I am now 12 weeks pregnant with TWINS!!!! LOL talk about shocking! I have two kids already one is 14 yrs and the other is 9 yrs old! I am feeling fine so far... I am still working full time... I have actually gained 2 lost 3 lbs then gained 3 then lost 4 lbs! Doc says not to worry.... I'll keep ya posted!
   — Ncprispot

December 28, 2003
I had my little angel Sara on 9/26/03, I was 21 months post op and had lost 300 lbs prior to getting pregnant, I had a wonderful pregnancy only gained 4 whole lbs....and had no problems getting in the nutrition the baby needed (just take the prenatal vitamins) When she was born she weighed in a 7.5 lbs. and 19 inches long. This pregnancy would not have been possible without the surgery. The best advice I can give is get in touch with a dietician and have her work with your OB/GYN and you can and will have a healthy pregnancy. Good Luck.
   — Gail G.

January 21, 2004
I am currently pregnant, about 7 months pregnant, and I am almost 3 years post-op. It has it's own set of pros and cons to it. I would love to answer any questions that you might have about this. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. Kelly
   — Kelly T.

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