
I'm thinking of joining Curves with my 13 yr. old daughter and I hear nothing but good things about it. Is there anyone out there that doesn't like it and why? I'm wondering if this is a good enough workout, thanks. Kelly*    — Kelly* P. (posted on June 9, 2003)

June 9, 2003
I think it depends on your history with exercise. One of my best friends (non WLS person) never exercised before in her life, LOVES it and swears by it as do others in my WLS support group. For me it wasn't enough after only a short while (a few weeks). I got bored because I LIKE to think about what routines to do (my friend likes the fact that she DOESN'T have to think about it) BUT the caveat is that I've done weight lifting and SERIOUS working out in the past and it seemed too mellow for me. Also the site where I was going was very crowded and I would have to wait to get in the loop many days. I thought that the "quick" workout aspect was one of the major reasons for going and if I had to wait, I couldn't see the point to it.
   — susanje

June 9, 2003
I joined curves for 1 month and hated it. When I work out I like to be in my own zone. I like the idea of being able to work out on the treadmill for 30 min. if I want. Doing crunches on the ab machine for 10 min. Not like that at curves. You do the machines they have set up for you in the time they want you to do it in. I'm not saying its not a good work-out, but the non variety of it all got boring. Plus I like to listen to my music on my MP3 player and loud I might add. How can I do that if I have to wait for someone to tell me to change machines. Which also upset me. I don't like to be told where and what machine to work out on. Lucky for me I found a great place to work out at. Its called Shapes and its for women only. They have a daycare for my 3 yr. old at no extra cost. Curves did not offer this. I love it. They not only have work out machines, but a spin blacklight class, a huge workout room for classes, an aromatherapy sauna, a heated indoor pool, and daycare. WOW. I couldn't believe my eyes. And it was cheaper then curves. Go figure. Glad your workin out and that your daughter is gonna do it with you. Its a huge help to get into the work out zone when you have support. Good luck!!
   — Heather B.

June 9, 2003
I just joined a gym with my 13year old daughter also. I was thinking about joining curves, and them decided not to. I ended up joining a regular gym, and glad I did. I think I would have been very board with curves. I love to walk on the treadmill, and do my own thing. My daughter also loves to walk and run on the treadmill. This is something curves doesn't have.
   — Robin T.

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