Is there a time frame frame in which your stoma won't enlarge, like if it hasn't enlarged by this time, your safe from it enlarging? — Kelly* P. (posted on May 26, 2003)
May 26, 2003
I think if there was a point that your stomach stopped growing we all
wouldn't be here. The stoma is part of the stomach and as such if you abuse
it, it will stretch. Some stretching is normal but it settles down to it's
normal size and will remain there unless you constantly push it
— dkinson
May 26, 2003
There is no BLAME or FAULT with a stretched stoma. It's not really
stretched, as in what happend to our pants pre-op. It's more relaxed. It
settles in to make a continuous union between pouch & intestine rather
than "puckering up" to cause restriction. There is nothing you
can do or not do one way or another. The people I've known who had this
condition reported they NEVER felt restriction, from the beginning or when
they started solids. I've met one whose change was at 8 months, but her
original surgery was badly bungled and followed by about 8 more surgeries,
so again, doesn't fit the pattern. I know there are people reading this who
think *they* did something wrong, but many who have this condition were on
cler liquids! I wish I could be the one to tell you that at 3 wks &
2.4 days you're safe, but I don't think there is a certain time span.
— vitalady
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