Any info on Plastic Surgeons at the University of Washington-Seattle?

I am a spouse of retired military, and hoping to have a tummy tuck and breast reduction soon. Tri-Care prefered providers all seem to be UW Physicians-UWMC Surgical Specialties Group. Does anyone have any info or experience with using them? Are there any military people out there who have had tummy tucks and breast reductions at Madigan Army Medical Center? Any help would be greatly welcomed. Thanks...Stephanie Open RNY 8/12/02 down 143lbs    — januaryrn (posted on May 22, 2003)

May 22, 2003
Hi there. Military spouse here...and an RN that works in the area. I haven't had plastic surgery at UW - but I can tell you that they've got all the latest equipment and would be the best bet for the best training and the most recent technology. I had my lap RNY done there and was very pleased with the way I was treated and the way the surgery and hospital stay went. Madigan would probably be fine too, but its my understanding that elective surgeries take a long time to schedule. And you're always at risk for getting bumped due to emergencies, active duty needs, or deployments. Best of luck in your quest. Le me know how it turns out!
   — Anne R.

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