If you had a Open VBG and have before and after pics. I would like to see them!

My Doctor has reccomened Open VBG for me. I have been researching this. I haven't come across may before and after pics. If you have one would you send them or tell me where to find it...Thanks So Much!    — Terri S. (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 20, 2003
I had open VBG on 8-26-02. Down 120 pounds as of today. There is a before picture on my profile, and I hope to have a 'during' picture put up by this weekend. I have puts lots of info about my journey on my profile and if you have any questions about it please feel free to email me privately. Also, be prepared for LOTS of negative comments about the VBG when you get responses from other people who will have/have had one of the other types of surgery. You and your surgeon know what is best for you and your body. The VBG was right for me and I am enjoying great success with it. Good luck!
   — salymsmommy

May 20, 2003
Do you know that 80% of VBGs fail within 5 years? They gain back most or all of the weight. The tight band makes eating good food like meat hard while chips and junk grind into nothing and go down way too easy. If you truly want the VBG look into the adjustable band. Its essentially the same and is easily removable and reversible. My surgeons support group is full of VBGs revised to RNY, its so sad to see people go thru surgery twice. If you still want the VBG thats fine but do look into the risks of regain.
   — Sam J.

May 21, 2003
Terri, my sister-in law had the VBG two months ago and has only lost 20 pounds. I have heard that VBG's fail often. The thing with the VBG is that you can still eat anything you want and there are ways around it to get in more calories than you are allowed. I would not suggest it. Just my two cents. :0)
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

May 21, 2003
Uh, Sam....Duh? If the Lap-band is reversible and removeable, doesn't that mean that she would have to go through a surgery twice? And what do you think is going to happen when it is removed. Does the weight and old eating habits just never come back? And who ever tells you that meat does not go down because of the tight band, but chips and junk food do, are just making excuses for not eating right if there isn't anything medically wrong with their pouch. There is no reason why any meat chewed to a creamy consistency (which you have to do with any food) cannot be eaten safely. Yes there are some people who have a problem with some foods, but not a problem with everything that is healthy and good and no problem with junk. I am sorry to hear about the people who "fill" your support group with reversals, but there are MANY success stories out there too. Our support group is FILLED with them.
   — salymsmommy

May 21, 2003
Know yourself, and know what you're committing yourself to, if you go for a purely restrictive surgery such as the vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) or the adjustable gastric band (LapBand). Each offers assistance in dieting, and no more. Two excellent sites to check out are and You'll get a good idea of what the post-VBG lifestyle entails and whether you're up to making those good post-op eating choices--and you may also find some before-and-after pictures. Best of luck to you.
   — Kay B.

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