CPAP and post-op

I am schd. for surgery in 3 weeks and have to sleep with a CPAP. I have been wondering if anyone could tell me what they did with your NG tube so you could wear your mask after surgery.    — Gelene B. (posted on May 11, 2003)

May 11, 2003
Actually, I usually wear nasal pillows and they gave me a mask to wear instead while the NG tube was in. It made enough of a seal even with the NG tube running in underneath of the mask...JR
   — John Rushton

May 11, 2003
Gelene, Good luck on your WLS journey. I too have sleep apnea and use a C-Pap machine, which I had to bring to the hospital. My Dr. did not have an NG in me thank God, but if you do have one the tube in very thin and will not be in the way. God Bless!
   — Robin G.

May 11, 2003
I had an NG and use a CPAP. While the NG tube was in they had me on oxygen which was able to fit in the nostril with the tube. Once they took the NG tube out (2nd morning) I had my CPAP there to use when I slept...which I didn't sleep that well....due to roommate, not CPAP:)
   — Sarahlicious

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