I've only lost about 40lbs in the past 2 mos

8 weeks out and only down about 40lbs-does mean that I am a slow loser-I feel so depressed now, that is not coming off well. I have not been exercising because I couldn;t figure out the reason for me being so lethargic-anemic! And then just when I start walking a lil last week I get this pain in my side that hurts everytime I move-I think it is maybe my gallbladder or something, but somedays I think yeah I've lost weight and other days I want to sit in my room and cry and don;t want talk to anyof my family or friends-what's wrong with me. Feeling like a failure...Tori    — TotallyTori (posted on May 7, 2003)

May 7, 2003
When was the last time you lost 40lbs in 2 months! WITHOUT EXERCISE> I think you're doing great! Sounds like you have a bit of depression. I know it will be hard but you should try to get out and get some fresh air. You may also want to speak to your Dr. about some medication to get you through this. Gook luck!
   — SJP

May 7, 2003
Tori - You are ahead of me!!! I'm 8 weeks post-op tomorrow and down 35 lbs. I think that the hardest adjustment to make post-op is realizing that while we hear about everyone's dramatic changes, we, individually, must live out these changes one day at a time. You are doing great!!! Do you have a support group? Someone to talk to about all the changes and your feelings as you make these tremendous adjustments to your new life? Remember, you've just undertaken major surgery, had lots of expectations, some of which may have been unrealistic (I know some of mine were) and now you have to live with your decision to have surgery. None of this is insignificant. Throw away your scale and connect with others for support. You are doing great!
   — rebalspirit

May 7, 2003
Well girls, I don't feel one bit sorry for you that you have only lost 40 pounds in two months. I am three months out and have just now hit the 40 lb. mark. You all are doing great.
   — Delores S.

May 7, 2003
40lbs is GREAT! I did lose 52lbs at 8 weeks, but I was very sick for the first couple weeks, so even on the liquids I starved myself. I had a little depression for a few weeks too b/c I felt so alone, scared, I was in pain...ect. after those few weeks I was fine. Keep up the good work :o)Remember that everyone loses at different paces and you are going to lose it!!!! Good luck hun!
   — Sandy M.

May 7, 2003
Hello, post like this usually upset me. 40 pounds is wonderful! I had my surgery back in September and I am currently at a lost of 65 pounds just shy of 10 pounds a month on the average now this describes a slower loser and I am sure that there is someone out there that is losing slower than I am. RNY LAP distal. Take Care and get up and celebrate!
   — train

May 7, 2003
Your doing better than me. I'm 8 weeks out tomorrow and lost 28.5 lbs. I too sometimes think what am I doing wrong and I do walk about 90-120 minutes a week.
   — Kathleen K.

May 7, 2003
tori, did it ever occur to you that in this AMOS population there is probably the same percentage of people that you'd find in any group that don't exactly tell the truth? i was also dismayed and depressed about my slow weight loss in the beginning... then it dawned on me that some of the posts i was reading might stretch the truth just a tiny bit... i kept thinking i was a failure too... i mean really, it seems like some people are post/op about ten minutes, and suddenly they're in the century club! i know that light weights lose slower, and people with a great deal to lose will drop weight faster, but some profiles just seem too good to be true... don't be so hard on yourself... no two people can run a race at the same speed.
   — Karen D.

May 7, 2003
Dear Tori, I am 9 weeks post op tomorrow. I have lost 33 pounds and I have many of the same feelings you have. I keep saying that maybe I am a slow loser also. I have a difficult time exercising because of other health problems but when I do I know that I lose more weight. My pcp says that I am doing fine. I feel much better and she tells me that I should keep up the good work. I am off my diabetes and blood pressure meds and I know that I am healthier. Like you I get depressed and wonder if I am doing the right things. My surgeon seems to think that I could lose faster...just dosen't offer any suggestions on how. My hubby had same surgery same day and he has lost 50 pounds. I think that 40 lbs is a lot to lose in 2 months. You are doing great and so am (I if I give myself the credit I deserve.) Try to keep your chin up and you will be healthier and happier in no time. Remember, God has a plan and time schedule all His own. He will help us if we just ask Him. God Bless you and keep up the good work.
   — Sheila M.

May 7, 2003
Hey, Cheryl - that would be me! 57 lbs in 6 months. I would love to lose another 57 lbs, but I don't know if that will ever happen. If not, I plan to be happy with what I weigh right now, and if it's less tomorrow or next week, that's okay, too. Now, let me tell you, my husbnad is down 37lbs in 4 weeks! Talk about depressing!
   — koogy

May 7, 2003
Hey, Girlie-girl!! Pretty girl!! You big LOSER!! : ) It's your ol' pal here to say you're doing GREAT!!! I'm 7 weeks out today and down 30. At 1 month I was down 22 lbs and I keep seeing people posting of "...I'm home from hospital today and down 15 pounds..." Holy crap...that's a huge amount of weight to lose in such a short time. Maybe because you were already a healthy eater, the weight (WATER!) loss isn't as grand. But look at their profiles and you'll see that 20 pounds a month the first couple of months is average and then 10-15 thereafter. You know what, I think we came into this surgery with unrealistic expectations. BUT!! If you lost 40 in the first 2 months and then 15 each month thereafter, by six months post op, you'll be down 100 pounds...right on average!!! Tell ya what, how about you and me and all these other recent postie keep in touch with eachother and compare "OUR" notes/losses. Then you'll see you're doing super dooper GREAT!! (Okay, I'm a big fat psycho for saying super dooper lol...sorry!!!) Keep up the good work...what did the doctor say today? Email to ya soon!! Proteinly yours, Mary P.S. Try and get out of the house more, keep busy, go to the library, anything...I know I always say that to you, but it helps...I swear!!
   — msmaryk

May 7, 2003
Tori...hang in there. You're doing fine. My sister had her RNY the last week of January - so she's a little over 3 months post-op and she's lost 59 1/2 pounds. That's about the same rate that you are losing. And she lost 40 1/2 pounds the first month and only 19 the past couple of months. But I just got an e-mail from her and she said things like "I do have more energy now more than ever" and "I am also walking 3 days a week. I truly believe this is the best thing that I have ever done for myself." This is from a person whose BMI was in the mid 60's. <p> Everyone loses weight at different rates and according to their body's metabolic rate. Yeah, in general, lightweights lose at a slower rate than heavyweights, but that's not always the case. <p> Just keep plugging away. Get the protein in as well as the water. Do what exercise you are capable of. If the pain persists, get it checked out....Take care, JR
   — John Rushton

May 7, 2003
This is to Karen D - what purpose would be served by people lying about their weight on here? My weight loss of 172 pounds is documented by my surgeon's office at our monthly support meeting. And I'll bet that most people here have their weight loss documented by their PCP or surgeon as well. Frankly, I'm a little insulted that someone would even insinuate such a thing about their fellow post-op cohorts...JR
   — John Rushton

May 7, 2003
Tori, that is exactly where I was at 2 months. I lost like 29-30 my first month, then like 9 my second month. I was really disappointed that I was such a slow loser. But I made it to goal, and I'm healthy and feel great, so now it doesn't matter how long it took to get me here. You are doing fine, just relax and enjoy this awesome journey. Health is just around the corner.
   — Cheri M.

May 7, 2003
Tori try not to get depressed. Being a slow loser is not bad..steady and slow will still get you there, just takes a little longer than those that drop massive amounts in a shorter period of time. Just think, if you lose slower, you may have less hanging skin! At your stage, 2 months post-op, it is not unusual to have mood swings, cry and feel like a failure-its the hormones which are being released due to the weight loss. Many post-ops go to their PCP's and are put on a short term dose of anti-depressants until it passes. If that doesn't appeal to you, just tell yourself that it is just a matter of time before you will feel better.
   — Cindy R.

May 7, 2003
I'm 17 weeks out and have just closed in on 45. HOW SLOW IS THAT???? Anyway, once I got comfortable with being a slow loser, my life got much better. DON'T FEEL LIKE A FAILURE!!! I had a lot of fatigue and not feeling well after surgery and then I had a car accident. Things are not going well on the exercise front and I'm losing like a snail. But I AM losing, and so are you.
   — susanje

May 7, 2003
John Rushton - people in any society sometimes stretch the truth to make themselves feel better, to accomodate what others expect of them, to build their own ego's, the list is endless as to why anyone would 'pad' their weight loss. our AMOS group is a cross section of America... are you insinuating that this group is above and beyond what goes on in any climate where social interaction takes place? when i mentioned to tori that it's possible she feels so inadequate based on what she reads here, it was merely a reminder that she shouldn't take to heart EVERY word she reads on our message boards... after all John, we're just human beings... shortcomings and all... nothing more, nothing less...
   — Karen D.

May 8, 2003
I had lost 44 pounds at 8 weeks and I am now closing in on 4 months and Hve lost 70 pounds. Boy i always thought i was doing great! I think it is all in our perception. Be proud of yourself! At my support group there are people who have lost as much as me in half the time and it tweeks my nerves. I do however forget that they have twice as much as I do to lose. It is not a race and as long as it is steady and I keep losing I have to tell that mean little voice in my head to SHUT UP! If you have pain call your doctor!!!! Also it really does sound like you are depressed (very normal post op!!!) so you might want to talk to someone who can help you with that. Did you know that stress (depression) can have an affect on your loss too? As far as people lying about their loss, if that is what you have to tell yourself, fine, but that sounds a touch paranoid and besides who cares? When we are at our goal we will be at our goal and you can't make that up! Good Luck and as far as i am concerned you are doing great!!!!!!!!!!! :)
   — Carol S.

August 5, 2003
Victoria, are we twins? :) I have lost 35 in 6 weeks. But only 10 in the past month. AND I exercise every day! Still it is more weight than I ever lost before, and I am certainly dropping inches. I posted on the message board earlier this week that my nutritionist told me the average weightloss the first month is 20-30 pounds. Every month after that during the "honeymoon" period is 7-14 pounds. So even if you have lost 27 pounds in 8 weeks, you are on the low side of the average range. So at 40 pounds down, you are definitely average, not slow! Yes, I agree that it feels slow. I am right there with you! :) Yes, there are people that lose 100 pounds in 3 months. Lucky them. Grumble grumble. Both sides of my family are overweight. I have double fat genes. They are working O/T to hinder my weightloss. But they can't stop it. I am eating better than ever, exercising, etc. It will come off. As for the lethargy, exercise anyway. I was tired all the time at first. So I figured "I'm gonna be tired whether I exercise or not." So I did. I don't mean to wear yourself out. But if your energy is low, exercising will help.
   — mrsmyranow

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