Pain in the upper right abdomen-is this my gallbladder???

2 months post-op RNY, have pain in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen, when I cough, walk, etc-anybody experience something similar-I am thinking it may be my gallbladder    — TotallyTori (posted on May 6, 2003)

May 6, 2003
I have been having some sharp pain just to the right of my breast bone. I'm thinking its a hernia or something. From what I've read.. gallbladder pain is usually in the back right? Also the gall bladder would be to the left of the back bone? I just hope it's not gallbladder.. they will have to go back in right? <p>Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

May 6, 2003
See your doc about any unexplained pain. Gallbkladder pain shows up differently in many people and is hard to pin down. Get it checked out.
   — bob-haller

May 7, 2003
I agree with Bob - see your doctor NOW! Pain is different for each body. As far-fetched as it might seem even an appendisitis can cause pain in the upper regions and gets misdiagnosed sometimes because of it. Could be a hernia, gall-bladder, irritated digestion, etc. Could be nothing, but why risk it?
   — [Deactivated Member]

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