I'm a senior in college and took off this semester to have surgery

I could graduate next summer or the fall of 2004, if I do not take summer classes this summer-I really wanted to work and get myself in shape this summer and just not have to worry about school, I am 22 and this was my 5th year, In the fall semester my weight was so bad that I barely wanted to get up and go to class, I just wanted to sleep all day it seemed to take all my energy, so basically I took off both semesters this year-Is it crazy to want to relax this summer, find a job, and concentrate on losing weight? I would have to take anatomy 1 and social stat, both summer sessions-I don't know what to do. I already feel like I dont have any energy since this surgery and then I think about having to commute back and forth to campus, whereas I used to live in the dorms, and I just get tired already-I just don't know if I have the energy to take on classes-Any suggestions-sorry this is so long-Tori    — TotallyTori (posted on April 28, 2003)

April 27, 2003
I am faced with the same thing you are. I am hoping to have surgery this summer so I've opted to only take 1 course this summer. Perhaps you could take 1 class instead of two (choose the easier of the two). Tell your professor when you are going to have surgery and have a date that you may need an extension or what have you. If I have surgery this summer (GOD WILLING) its going to fall either just before or just after midterms. Does your school offer a Maymester (or) short summer session where its only like 6 weeks instead of 12 or 15? Also, could you take this class online? Lots of schools offer classes on line...might not hurt to look into it.
   — Renee B.

April 27, 2003
Sorry-if I was not clear but I had open RNY on March 6,2003
   — TotallyTori

April 27, 2003
Would you try to work full time? That could be harder on you than school. Your first priority should be to yourself and your health. You have a lot of life ahead of you. Take your time. In the grand scheme of things it won't matter if you graduate six months later. Peace.
   — Sunny S.

April 27, 2003
Victoria, have you had any labs done lately? Sounds like you could be anemic or have a thyroid problem. When I was going hypothyroid, I would dread getting up to go to my desk job, and I couldn't wait to get home to crash on the couch! My walking program came to a halt, due to pain in my legs and overwhelming fatigue. My advice - see your PCP and get things checked out. I do not think there is any harm in taking time off from school to concentrate on yourself. School will be there, but the opportunity you have to get yourself in shape is not going to last forever, and by getting yourself revved up, you may be better able to study in the future (especially if you are taking anatomy 1!) Sure, you could go to classes, but there is more work involved when class is over. If you work - you go to work and you are done at the end of the day (usually!). Best of luck!
   — koogy

April 27, 2003
Yes. I had them done at my last appt with the surgeon and I was iron deficient-I am currently taking meds for it now
   — TotallyTori

April 27, 2003
I didn't take a semester off to have WLS. I found out in mid-October that I was having Open RNY 11/11 - smack in the middle of my fall semester. What did I do? I got all of my work in advance, did as much work as possible beforehand and concentrated on recovery. I ended up going back to class 12/2, which is later than I had wanted. I came back one week before the semester ended. I completed all of my work and rocked my finals. It was my best semester yet! I was also a full-time student. Speaking of tired...I was diagnosed as anemic (due to my Pats) so I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I don't believe it's your weight. Sounds like something else. I had an iron deficiency. Once I started taking Iron supplements and went back to work full-time (5 weeks post-op) my energy level soared. I don't believe you have to take a semester off to be successful but that is a personal decision that only you can make.
   — Tracy A.

April 28, 2003
I graduated from college several years before my open RNY, but here's my 2 cents: I would definitely take a class or two this summer. Summer classes usually have abbreviated schedules and tend to be easier...or at the least, have less of a work load. I took all of my "harder" classes in the summer sessions to make things easier on myself...and it worked for me. I'd also get some labs done, to rule out any "easily" fixable causes for the lethargy.
   — Amy W.

April 28, 2003
I am not the norm around here... I say take some time off! If you can afford to not do anything but work on YOU, then DO IT! Just don't fall in love, and start having babies and end up not going back for 10 years. Like me. LOL! I think it's good to take some time, work on your body and mind, and then feel super healty when you go back in the fall. But, only you know what you can do. Follow your gut instinct. If you want to take time off, then TAKE IT!
   — Diana L.

April 28, 2003
Tori, you sound exactly like me! I don't think you're crazy, it's fine to want to take off to concentrate on your health. Some people can have WLS and be right back on their feet in a few weeks, others it takes months. This is a major surgery, and its exhausting. I had surgery last May, so I didn't have to take off. I was supposed to graduate (after 5 years) this May, but ended up taking off this current semester due to many chronic illnesses I'm dealing with, so I have to. Commuting can get tiring, and you have to know when you need to bring food here and there. You are still so young, if you need the time off and your parents support you, then go for it. Or just take on summer class, not both, so it doesn't wear you out. I am going to try to finish my last semester in the Fall, I'm 23, if I can't, I'm not going to stress, health comes first! And you're energy will come back eventually- so don't worry about feeling like that. I have so much energy now and actually ENJOY going out again- instead of being at college and worrying about how I look. I wish you the best!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 30, 2003
I have not had the surgery, I have 19 more days. But I did have to have IV iron treatments because my iron was so low. (even before surgery) After 4.5 hours of this IV iron treatment...I went to sleep and woke up ready to work...I even cleaned out the garage...My weight is well over 300 for me to clean out the garage, and actually fell good while doing a miracle. I am no longer cold all the time, and I dont eat nearly as much ice. (was eating 300oz a day) thats a lot of ice. My advice...get your iron does wonders for your garage..haha Rachel RNY-open 4-19-2003
   — Rachel D.

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