How do you know what size?

How will I know what size I wear after I start to lose weight? How many sizes do most people skip down to? I guess I'm most concerned about things you can't try on like underwear!?!    — Sarahlicious (posted on March 18, 2003)

March 17, 2003
sarah, this is an individual thing according to shape and body size. I have only lost 23lbs and have gone down one size in panties. Luckily, I already have some that i had outgrown. If in doubt, buy the walmart kind a pair at a time.
   — Delores S.

March 17, 2003
My goal was to wear a 16, 14 if I was really lucky. Now I am a size 4 which is still unbelievable to me. I now have a wardrobe in every size from 24 to 4. I kept thiking that I wouldn't go down anymore.
   — Linda A.

March 17, 2003
For underwear all you need to do is keep track of your hip measurements. They run according to that. As far as predicting sizes . . . fuggedaboudit! LOL I went from 22 to 20 (briefly) to 18 (seemed like forever) SKIPPED 16s to 14s. Hit 12s and bought a bunch of clothes cuz I'd never been any smaller--they fit for about 2 weeks. Stayed in 10s for a long time. They started to look funny on me--found out they were too big--I didn't catch on for a while! Down to 8s--thought I was done. I stayed in 8s for several months and then my panni deflated a little more and lo and behold I ended up in 6s! (some 4s if the waist is forgiving) You just NEVER KNOW! :)
   — ctyst

March 18, 2003
It is impossible to predict! I didn't drop a size until I'd lost 40-50 pounds, but as you get closer to goal you run through sizes quicker. I've dropped from a 28-30 to a 14 so far and still hate trying to buy clothes. I still have 30-40 pounds to lose and cannot force myself to buy clothes that actually fit because everytime I do they are too big in a few weeks. I only buy stuff that is too tight right now, and 2 pair of size 12 jeans I bought last week I can now get zipped (but wouldn't wear in public yet!). A friend gave me 6 pairs of pants 6 weeks ago that fit at the time and they are now 2 sizes too big. My advice is be very selective in your shopping and don't buy lots of stuff in advance. I bought summer stuff on clearance last fall in size 16 and it is all now too big to wear, so it ended up being a waste. I never dreamed I'd be smaller than that by this summer. Get used to baggy clothes!
   — Melissa F.

March 18, 2003
I tried to determine what size underwear to buy before surgery and bought it too small. I saved it, and now it fits just fine! I have some even smaller, so I should be okay for awhile. Other clothes - just have to try them on to see. I have been on a plateau for 3 weeks. I was wearing a 14, and tried on size 12 jeans to see if they would come close to going over my hips. They fit - snug, but I got them on! Right now, Walmart is about my favorite place to shop. I don't plan to buy anything pricey until I am done losing. Until then, my work "uniform" is black pants and a variety of tee shirts in various colors. Bottom line - even if it's too small now, it will probably fit later on!
   — koogy

March 18, 2003
I agree with the previous posters. Even within the same size, stuff varies so much. I am 5'4" and started at 294 lbs. in size I'm 189 and in size 16s..but I remember losing weight before and being 150 or so before I could fit in 16s. Anyway, I also had to say regarding the underwear (and bras) it is sooooo important to buy new ones when you need them. I have been existing on hand me downs and thrift stores..and I keep putting off buying underwear and bras til they were about to fall off. I just got some that fit and it just makes all the difference in the world. does help hold up some of that sagging skin!
   — sheltie

March 20, 2003
hi i did it this way when my underwear started to fall off because i kept them that long i lost about 50 lbs before i bought new ones i was wearing a size 11 and 12 so they were falling off so i bought a 9 i still have them and have lost another 59lbs and i should try the eights but the 9s are not to bad yet good luck

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