Is this normal?

***************HELP I ALMOST HAD A MOMENT OF WEAKNESS*********** I went to this part of the website that talks about deceased people. No not all of them died from/during WLS. The very first profile I read was "Glenda Klapper" her info was a lot like mines except she's 50yrs and I'm 24yrs. I had to send my angel a e-mail. I'm cool it was really woerd though. I'm going to church tonight(I'm the youg adult mission teacher). This is one of those things that make you say God Touch, my faith is strong. Is it not normal to be a little shaken by something like this.    — Tanzania I. (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
Hi Tanzania I am pre op awaiting ins. approval. I know exactly how you feel,only I didn't have an angel to email cause I don't have one yet. I felt like I owed it to the people whose names who were on the memorial page as well as myself. thought maybe I could learn something, and i did. I think it is totally normal. I think it would be abnormal if it didn't start you to thinking. All we can do is PRAY and know that this is His will for us,
   — tracy W.

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