
Hi, I'm 7 weeks post op and I'm usually eating about 2 oz. of food. Last night I had my first 1/3 of a slice of pizza without the crust which weighed 2 oz. We were watching a movie and I thought I'd try some popcorn, well I ate a huge handful right after my pizza and I probably could have eaten more. Why could I eat this and now I feel so quilty.    — Kelly* P. (posted on March 9, 2003)

March 8, 2003
Popcorn is not a bad thing. Plus, if you think about the amount after you've chewed it up really well and it's not much at all. Popcorn is a good snack for you as long as you limit the butter and salt on it. I eat popcorn at least once a week and I can eat about 2 cups full now. At first, I ate about a cup full. Popcorn is good for its fiber content and will keep you regular later on if that becomes a problem. So, relax, and enjoy a handful now and then. :) Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -82lbs
   — mbradley35

March 9, 2003
I went out with my 9 year old daughter a couple of weekends ago (probably when I was 6 or 7 weeks postop) and we shared a small popcorn in the movies. I ate more than a handful and found it very enjoyable. I felt almost like a normal person. We had had lunch out too and then went to the movies. It was also nice to munch on popcorn throughout the movie (small handfuls and waiting between handfuls) and not have it gone by the time the previews were over.
   — susanje

March 9, 2003
Kelley~~Be careful with the popcorn as a new post op especially!!!! Our surgical protocol does not allow me to ever have popcorn again. With that said the reason behind it is because the husk around the kernel can cause an obstruction. It would be awful to have another surgery so early on. Plus popcorn has a lot of carbs and could slow your weight loss down. Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02 down 103 lbs
   — lovemonterey

March 9, 2003
for a while i was eating popcorn everyday. i know it's got a lot of carbs, but i'm not gonna stop living because i had surgery. i've been able to lose 127 pounds in 10 months, so i don't think the popcorn hurt me too bad. i still eat it. in the beginning i bought the popcorn without the hulls in it, now i just use regular popcorn. good luck to you and remember we're all human...
   — candymom64

March 9, 2003
hiya. i didn't eat popcorn until prolly about 6 mos post op because of fear of obstruction or not chewing the hull good enough and hurting my pouch but since then i eat it whenever and it's never been a problem. at the movies i get it without butter but at home i may add a little bit. we got this thing called a "whirly pop" and you make popcorn on the stove top with it using almost no oil so it's like air popped but it doesn't have the same consistency. it's very much like movie popcorn. i don't worry about the carbs and you can eat a lot because there isn't anything to it... just take it slow and listen to your body. {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

March 9, 2003
Rule #1- Don't beat yourself up over anything you eat! It is normal to "test" your pouch after surgery. I tried popcorn at around 6 weeks and it made me sick. Decided not to do that again for awhile. I tried it again about 2 weeks ago and can eat it by the handfuls. I am in an odd situation though because there isn't alot that I <i>can</i> eat so I get in what I can...Please don't panic everytime to try something new, but do be aware that those carbs and calories can slow down your weight loss, so try to limit how much of those you eat. This surgery helps you lose weight, but you still have to live as normal a life as you can. Eating the things you enjoy, in moderation will not harm you (<i>might</i> make you sick early on though). Some WLS patients are able to follow a strict diet, but truth be known, most of us cannot, hence why we have been obese for so long! Some of us could eat the "yummy" foods earlier than others and you are lucky that you can. I can eat sweets (and more sweets) without dumping while others cannot even drink natural juices without getting sick. We are all different, yet we are all the same because we have to live with this life change forever. It's a challenge at times, but only YOU know what you can tolerate and how much you can eat. In the future, wait a little while longer for the snack just to ensure that you are not filling up your pouch so quickly. Otherwise, I think you are doing just fine! Best of luck to you!.....Karen (lap rny- 5 1/2 mons. post-op- down 115 pounds)
   — karmiausnic

March 9, 2003
Popcorn is a good snack, its one of the good carbs, and was recommended by my nutritionist. I try to eat a cup or two of popcorn 4 or 5 nights a week and it keeps me very regular, if ya know what I mean! I started popcorn (cleared by the surgeon) at about 6 weeks post-op. You'll notice that some foods you can eat more of than others and popcorn is one. Thats because it melts down to nothing. Now try that with chicken chunks..won't be he same ! No reason to feel guilty..enjoy..
   — Cindy R.

March 9, 2003
Remember that movie popcorn is loaded with fat and salt.If your doctor approves popcorn, I'd try to quench the craving with home-popped in a hot-air popper. (Microwave popcorn is full of bad stuff too.)
   — sjwilde

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