Blood work came back abnormal, PTT was 1 point above normal...

Ok I know that maybe 1 point is not a big deal. But when they send me to a specialist for more tests. Now I'm concerned. Has anyone had this? What does this mean? Was there anything special/different done? Should I be concerned at all?    — Dayanara A. (posted on March 2, 2003)

March 1, 2003
You really should be talking to your PCP and surgeon and asking him/her to interpret the results of your PTT. ..JR
   — John Rushton

March 2, 2003
PTT being 1 point off is no big whoop. When going for surgery they are actually looking at the INR (international normalized ratio) to check your coagulation factors. This needs to be under 1.5 to operate safely and avoid excessive bleeding. Optimal is 1.0 and lower. If you look at you bloodwork results you will see that the panel includes a PT, PTT and INR. This is a Protime panel.
   — Sue A.

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