Period while on Depo after surgery?

Did anyone who is on depo provera shot and usually never had a period get theirs while in the hospital after surgery? I have surgery in 2 days. I'll be sure to take supplies just in case...but would like to know if I should expect it.    — Sarahlicious (posted on February 8, 2003)

February 8, 2003
Sarah I am on Depo and I had what I called a period for almost 2 weeks after my surgery. It was light, and didn't start until about 5 days out. I have not had a period in over 3 years so this was a shock to me. I had no cramping like I used to, but I did have light bleeding for about 13 days.
   — Temeron

February 8, 2003
Sweetheart--does your doctor know you are on Depo?--because most want you off at least 30 days pre-op. Any I never even began another period until almost 3 months post-op.
   — Wannabe A.

February 8, 2003
Yes, my doctor knows, although I usually forget to list that when I'm asked what meds I am on. I even told him that I was due for a shot shortly before surgery and nothing was said. Yesterday, someone from the hospital called for some pre-op questions and I again told them and gave them the date of my last shot. I've read on hear and it seems like some doctors have their patients stop birth control and others do not. My concern was if I was going to start, how would I handle having a catheter and needing to wear underwear with a pad. I want to thank everyone for their answers to this and my other questions.
   — Sarahlicious

February 8, 2003
Hi there, Sarah! My surgeon never told me to get off the depo and if yours knows and doesn't say anything about it, don't worry. I hadn't had a period in quite some time, I got it a couple of days after surgery. I only had the catheter in about a day and a half, as soon as I passed my leak test, that thing was out, next day was when it hit. It would be a good idea to bring something, just in case, and if you get it while the catheter is still in, the nurses will give you those old-fashioned funky kind of pads. Congrats on your upcoming surgery. Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 101 lbs.
   — Vi F.

February 8, 2003
Hi there. I was on Depo at time of surgery. Doc knew, it was no problem, I did not start my period after surgery.
   — thekatinthehat

February 9, 2003
I started Depo a couple few months before surgery. I started to get my period in the hospital and have had it everyday for the last 6 months. No fun!!
   — TP

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