
Has anyone used the vitamins that Barbara Thopmson uses, called ISOTONIX. They are in a powder form and she says they're like, I think 95% absorbable.    — Kelly* P. (posted on January 14, 2003)

January 14, 2003
I have and I LOVE THEM! In fact I just saw Barbara tonight! I was so sceptical as I hate the taste of everything, but these taste good and I love how I feel! I noticed a big difference after just a few days in my energy. I love them so much I am now helping Barbara to distribute them, so if you have any questions, please feel free to email me privately at [email protected]. I have become quite the "Isotonix Guru" since I starting taking them, I wanted to know absolutely everything! Renee D
   — Renee D.

January 14, 2003
I am not doubting your word, but I would love to hear from others about these vitamins who are not distributors, but only customers and have had WLS.
   — Roberta S.

January 14, 2003
Gosh! Sounds Spiffy! All kidding aside, I have tried them, from a nurse who is a distributor about 2 years ago.... before I have my WLS. I didn't have any luck with them. To be honest, the ones I tried only gave me loose stools and vertigo. And they were really expensive, even though she gave me her "special rate."
   — kultgirl

January 14, 2003
I started taking them about 2 weeks ago.....I guess I'd have no idea if they're better without a blood test. I don't feel any different. I wasn't "lacking" with chewables and they were a heck of a lot cheaper. I've already found a replacement for next month...Curves liquid vitamins...
   — Debby M.

January 15, 2003
Hi, I am not a distributer. I actually like the Isotonix multitech (multivit) and the Vit C. I mix them together with 4 ounces of water, they have a orange flavor that isn't bad at all... and it helps me get in 4 ounces of water too! now the Calcium is another story. I can't tolerate it at all... I get nauseous when I take them, and don't like the flavor at all. I've also tried the Twin lab chewable Calcium Citrate and don't like them either... does anyone else have any ideas for Calcium? Kristy open rny 12/4/02 -30 lbs
   — Kristy L.

January 15, 2003
Hi there! I am NOT a distributor but I love the Isotonix vitamins. I take the multi and the Calcium. One tastes like orange pop and the other like lemon-lime. They are effervescent but not carbinated. I do have to sip them or else I belch alot. lol To me, the cost is worth it as I have a very hard time swallowing pills.
   — Leah H.

January 15, 2003
Gee, I hated to offend everyone! Let me make it CLEAR that I was a customer BEFORE I was a distributor. Because I was so happy with the product, I became a distributor. So let the bashing emails to me PLEASE STOP! I have been there (surgery) and done that (vitamins) and was just trying to be helpful.....(this is directed to the 5 individuals who thought it necessary to send me nasty-grams about my "greedyness") Thanks Renee D
   — Renee D.

January 15, 2003
Renee, I am so sorry that people sent you nasty emails. I only meant that I wanted to hear more from customers only, I didn't mean to start anything at all! I have been interested in finding a calcium supplement that I can tolerate as I can not swallow pills. I believe that people who have experience with the products are the best referral source and that is why I personally wanted to hear from customers only. We have differing views already indicating that with these products as with all others, it depends on the person. I probably will try the calcium at some point.
   — Roberta S.

January 15, 2003
As I posted earlier, I like the Calcium and Vit C Isotonix, but don't like the Calcium. Because of that, I have a huge bottle of it (2 or 3 months worth I think), that I've only tried 2 or 3 times. It is opened... but if anyone would like it, you can have it if you just want to pay for the shipping on it. Email me privately. Kristy open rny 12/4/02 -30 lbs
   — Kristy L.

January 15, 2003
I love them! They taste like Tang and my current bloodwork was perfect. Barbara Thompson recommends them and so does her surgeon, Dr. Shauer. That is good enough for me! I love the calcium and the powder mixes up in water so it much better than those big horse pills! Good luck,
   — Mylou52

January 15, 2003
Someone asked about a better tasting calcium supplement. I got this from a nutritionist and it's really good tasting: Apple Cider Cal-Mag (Calcium and Magnesium). It's sugar free and a really good tasting apple cider flavor. To purchase, go to (800-887-7711) ~Lisa
   — Lisa I.

December 17, 2003

   — Julia Z.

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