I'm hoping for some great ADvise from my friends here

Here is the situation. I have been sch. for a reduction on the 30th of this month. Problem is that I'm going to have to go to cobra. I'm in the process of appealing the tummy portion. Should I go ahead and get cobra or just wait for awhile until i get ins (meaning finding a new job)or my husband(get a job he was laid off)LOL sounds funny. The ins we had that would be under cobra is United health care pos. Cobra said they would cover all medical just like before except i would be paying them. So all benifits are the same. My cobra is $381.00 a month. Can't realy afford it but i have waited so long to get my breast reduction and my tummy done. So the million dollar question is should I go head and get cobra to get my breast done and hopefuly appeal my tummy tuck so i to can get that done? Any advise would be great. Thanks Sarah    — sarah C. (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
Hi. If it were me, I would go ahead and get Cobra. If you have a lapse in your health insurance, your next insurance can deny you coverage for pre-existing condition for something like a year. If this insurance has already approved the surgery, I wouldn't want to risk having to get approved again (and possibly turned down), let alone the wait for a pre-existing condition. Also, don't think your insurance premium is terrible--if I quit my job now, I'd have to pay well over $1000 per month for COBRA for myself, my husband and my son!!! I had to pay $750 per month the last time I had a change of coverage with a change of jobs!!!!!!! Good luck.
   — Sarah S.

January 13, 2003
Since your surgery date is so close, I personally would just pay the cobra fee. That is a blessing that all you would have to pay is $381 for your reduction. And hopefully in the process you will find good results from your appeal for the TT. Good luck with your surgery.
   — ImANewDee

January 13, 2003
hi i was laid off after my surgery was already approved and i taken up with cobra did not loose anytime or have to get approve again or anything you still have the same plan and same insurance the only thing it is expensive but its the only way to go good luck write back if you want

January 14, 2003
Hi Sarah, I had a similar problem not long before my Open RNY in October. I chose to go with the Cobra and stick with UHC because they have such a good approval record. My payments were steep too, $289/mo, but I just convinced myself that it was necessary. Personally, I was worried about starting with a different ins carrier because of the delay, plus some have strange rules about coverage lapse. Don't know if this helps, but that's my $.02
   — Rozey B.

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