If your pouch was leaking would you know, wouldn't you be in pain?

I am three weeks post op and I have only felt uncomfortable a couple of times when I have eaten. And I am feeling good but still get tiered easy. I had a lady who has had surgery tell me that I am eating way to much. What she saw me eat was 1 and a half slices of a quesidia (excuess the spelling) it was one flour tortilla folded in halh filled with cheese and tomatoe and cut in 4 pieces and I ate 1 1/2 pieces. Is this too much Do you think I should call my doctor and have it checked she really has me scared. How much is every one else able to eat?    — kathy B. (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 12, 2003
Not all doctor's make the pouch the same size for one thing and some people can just eat more or less than others. Please don't go by what others tell you when it comes to how much you are eating. One and a half quesadillas- as long as they were not <i>huge</i>, you are fine. I am more surprised that you could tolerate the tortilla! They are kinda doughy and can sit in your pouch like a rock. But if you had no problem with it, more power to ya!!! You are doing fine Sweetie, but call your surgeon if you are really concerned about to ease your mind....Congrats on the surgery! Best of luck to you.....Karen (lap rny-9/20/02- down 98 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

January 12, 2003
Kathy, they usually do a leak test in the hospital before they release you to ensure that you do not have one. Karen is right when she says that pouch sizes are different and the amounts we can eat are also different. At 3 weeks post-op many are still are liquids, so I am a little surprised that tortilla sat so well with you, but the amount is not too much. I think at 3 weeks post-op, I was still doing egg drop soup, soft scrambled or soft boiled eggs, yogurts and stuff.
   — Cindy R.

January 12, 2003
Hi, I don't know about leaking, but I do know that with me I noticed that when I eat soft foods I have less pain. But when I do try to eat things that wasn't soft REALLY but in my mind I said soft enough. lol then I got pain that wouldn't stop. and constapation (sp) wasn't a joke either. So after I got sick of that rolling pain that makes you grit your teeth. I more less have started to follow the program and I'm not hungry anymore.
   — Naes Wls J.

January 13, 2003
You can do not have a leak. Leak symptoms are excruciating pain when you eat or drink anything - even a tiny sip of water. Leak pain is not improved with pain medicine. I think what you're fearful of is a staple line disruption. I don't think you have this either. Sounds like you're eating more than I could at that stage but remember, as a previous poster said, not all pouches are created the same size and I think eating a little over a quarter of a quesadilla is not terrible. No worries, honey, you'll be just fine. Best wishes!
   — ronascott

January 13, 2003
I am only 2 weeks post op, and can eat quite a bit. I don't ever get sick or feel uncomfortable. For instance the other night i had 1/2 a cup of refried beans minus a couple bites from my son. I was kinda surprised and asked about it, and had some people tell me it was ok as long as i wasn't hurting myself, and had others tell me it was wayy too much! I'm finding it hard to know exactly what and how much to eat too! Everythings going down fine though! Let me know how it goes! Amber
   — Amber F.

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