Hi, I heard of a Bariatric Hospital in California that if you are a Self Pay...

They cover any complications for the next 90 days... costing appx 27,000. Does anyone know what the name of this is???    — Karen Wyatt (posted on January 10, 2003)

January 10, 2003
You might check Pacific Bariatric. They are a big one here in California. Some Kaiser patients from Sacramento are sent there--to San Diego. Good Luck with you search.
   — Pam K.

January 10, 2003
Alvarado Hospital accepts self pay, but I am not sure of the cost or coverage.
   — ~~Stacie~~

January 11, 2003
Have you ever considered going out of the country? I Self Paid in Brazil. $8000 for the Dr. and hospital + airfare and hotel. You can have it all done for about $10,000! We have a yahoo group [email protected] Check out the files section for a list of his qualifacations! He is getting quite a few Americans down there, and the care is just as good or better than you would receive here in the states! Good luck to you! Jackie
   — Jacklyn C.

January 11, 2003
I don't have much info but if we're both thinking of the same docs they are out of FRESNO, CA. Hope it helps.
   — Shelly S.

May 2, 2003
Dr.Aguirre in Ensenada,Mexico does Open-Rny for a total of $6,900.00 this includes the hospital and pre-op testing.
   — latrishanickle

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