does anyone know if united healthcare epo will pay plastic surgery

does anyone know if united healthcare epo will pay for any kind of plastic surgery when you get through losing all the weight? i am interested in a panni, and breast lift    — denise F. (posted on January 10, 2003)

January 10, 2003
I'm 2 years post-op & down 117 lbs, also have United HealthCare and wonder the same thing. I look much thinner (of course) but with my clothes off I look like I'm melting (kind of like a candle). I live in Houston. I do hope you get feedback so I can get an idea also. I've heard UHC doesn't unless you have rashes, etc. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

January 11, 2003
They have denied me the panni & breast lift. I am working on an appeal. A case worker said that it is important that you provide "objective" material and that it shows how the quality of your life will be affected.
   — lessofme170

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