I am 3 weeks post op and have not lost any weight in the last week

I am very concerned I started at 260 and lost 20 in the first two weeks and now nothing I'm scared I hope I didn't go through this to lose just 20 pounds. Why do you think I have lost this week    — kathy B. (posted on January 10, 2003)

January 10, 2003
I did the SAME THING! I'm 4 weeks post, and week 3 wasn't a losing week. Week 4 I've lost 5 pounds. Your body just needed to adjust to this rapid loss! Don't worry, things will start again soon!!!
   — Diana L.

January 10, 2003
Don't worry, it will be okay. I only lose one week out of the month and the rest of the month my weight stays the same. This has been going on since surgery 6 months ago. You'll learn your body's pattern of weight loss.
   — Darlene P.

January 10, 2003
Welcome to the wonderful world of Plateaus! I think everyone gets them and from what I understand they can happen at any time. It will start up again. Hang in there.
   — Laurel C.

January 10, 2003
Boy, did you tape record me 3 weeks out? LOL I said the EXACT SAME THING! ROFL I didn't know I could plateau that early but I did. I didn't lose not one pound from weeks 3-6. I was devastated and sure that I wouldn't lose any more. When I did come off the plateau I went down 2 sizes overnight. Obviously I was losing inches even if I wasn't losing pounds. Try staying away from the scale for a couple of weeks. I know it's tough but a lot of us go through this early plateau. If you want to track something, take your measurements. While your body is figuring out if you are serious about this whole starvation thing, your body will be shifting and changing whether the scale shows it or not.<p>I'll make you a bet. I'll bet that in 6 months you will be able to look at this question and laugh. Because you will have lost MUCH more than 20 pounds by then. You'll be well on your way. Look at it this way: I started out with similar stats (230 pounds to start and lost 20 then nothing for 3 weeks) and I still reached my top goal in 7 months and my current weight in 10 1/2! (230 lbs/22W to 130 lbs/6P)
   — ctyst

January 10, 2003
You have just hit the first of many plateaus. The first one usually hits right around the 3-4 week post-op mark. Its just the body's way of trying to play catch up with the weight loss. Just keep doing what your doing and in no time at all it will pick up again (my first one lasted 11 days, I believe..)
   — Cindy R.

January 10, 2003
oh i AM living proof that plateau's hit this early... monday will be my six week mark... at the end of week 4 my scale slammed on it's breaks and hasn't moved one pound since then. all i could think was a year from now i'll say 'yes, i had WLS surgery, i've lost 30 lbs'... i went to a support group meeting the other night, and tons (no puns intended) of people told me to not worry about it. it's normal, it will happen, and we're all so different there's no way to predict when they'll hit. but welcome to the club!
   — Karen D.

January 10, 2003
Hi Kathy..I think almost EVERYONE hits a plateau at 3 weeks post-op. I did! I didn't lose ANYTHING for like 2-3 weeks. Now, 5 months later, I am down 100 pounds. Don't worry about it! :o)
   — fropunka

January 10, 2003
Don't worry - I had a plateau at 3 weeks post op too. It lasted for 2 weeks and I was down only 20lbs. Now, 7 weeks out, I'm down 38lbs and starting to actually notice a difference in my clothes and people are starting to compliment me. The way I see it, even though it's only 35lbs so far, I couldn't do that myself in 7 weeks, so I'm looking forward to the next few months!
   — jengrz

January 10, 2003
See how normal you are!? Just be sure you are eating enough, especially protein. Your body will go into starvation mode if you don't get enough to maintain it. I also graph my weight every day. I can make notes about when my period occurs, or if I had Chinese the night before, etc. so I can see trends. (Hey, "trend" sounds better than "plateau", right?) Go by how your clothes fit, too. The scale says I haven't lost anything, but my jeans are feeling roomier!
   — koogy

January 10, 2003
Just a comment... I am SOOOOO GLAD you asked this question. I am incredibly frustrated and tend to not ask questions when I am like this. I am just coming up on 3 weeks and the scale hasn't budged in a week. I started to think... "Great, I went through this wls only to lose a few pounds." At least now I don't feel alone... Thanks! We'll make it! :-)
   — Angela D.

January 10, 2003
I started at the same weight, 3 months ago, hit a plateu at 4 weeks that lasted 2 weeks, then started losing fast. now down 56 # and am so excited.
   — **willow**

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