Has anyone considered gastric banding vs bypass?

I am currently on the last stretch of the long road to gastric bypass. Although my 28 y/o son supports me in my decision to have the bypass he would rather I have the banding. He saw a tv program which featured both procedures and he felt the banding allowed you to lose weight rapidly, although not as rapidly as the bypass and it fewer complications and you do not have to cut a major organ. He says bypass is so drastic, final and with so many potential complications. I was wondering if anyone on this site has had the banding or has everyone had the bypass. Any information would be appreciated.    — Rebecca L. (posted on January 8, 2003)

January 8, 2003
You are referring to the lap band. There is a support group for lap banders at Click on morbid obesity, then support groups, and you will find it. I know yahoo groups has one too but don't know the address to get there.
   — Cindy R.

January 8, 2003
I concidered the lap band, But I needed something "permanent and drastic". The lap band does work for some, mostly those with a lower BMI. But for me, stastics showed that I would probably not get to goal, and not maintain it.
   — Vicki L.

January 8, 2003
I know 6 people that has had the banding. All but 2 have gained there weight back butt 2. 2 out of the 4 that gained there weight back went thru it 2 times each with the same results. Not saying it won't work for you but it is a lot easier to "cheat" It's a lot easier to mess up. I know the bypass is not unfoulable but it's closure. I cafefully researched both & found that the bypass would be the only way to go. If I was going to put myself thru it I was going to the most reliable. (In my opinion). Hope this helps.
   — Paula G.

January 8, 2003
I am pre-op, but I began by wanting the lap band, but after lots of research have decided on RNY bypass. The information provided by the maker of the band explained that if you have a "sweet tooth", you have lower chances of sucess because you can cheat too easily. Thier statistics also showed a much lower percentage of weight lost, and that "some people will lose a lot of weight, some a little, and some not at all"... I wasn't willing to try it, only to fail, or lose very little weight. It also mentions being sure you are not allergic to the components.. I am allergic to latex, and imagine it probably contains that. It is a very personal decision, and one best made after a lot of real research, not just opinions of others, and be sure to talk over both options with your doctor, and see what he thinks...Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck!!!
   — Kelly B.

January 8, 2003

   — John T.

January 8, 2003
Everyone I know that has/had the lap band all gained their weight back, they threw up a lot, and they didn't have the "safety valve" the RNY has if you're a "sweet-o-holic." If you really want to lose weight I would definitely consider the RNY as a first choice. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

January 8, 2003
Hello Rebecca.. First let me say that everyone thinks the surgery THEY chose is the best. They will share the things that lead them to their decision, things they've heard, people they know and so on.. this is YOUR decision, for YOUR life. It's great that you are seeking information, but please, this decision is for you to make with the aid of your surgeon. You can read about my story on my profile if you like, I went through learning about three different surgeries before I was approved and got my BPD with no DS. The band is something I also considered. If you'd like more info, feel free to email me. Good luck and Peace!
   — Joscelin

January 11, 2003
BETTY AND PAULA-you're talking about the VBG. The band hasn't even been available in this country long enough for you to know several people who have gained all their weight back. Please watch out before spreading misinformation.
   — M. B.

January 11, 2003
One thing to ask the doctor if you are considering the Adjustable banded type surgery is how much do they charge to Fill up the band per visit. Good luck on what ever surgery you wish *hugs*
   — WLS_Deb

January 11, 2003

   — vitalady

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