Does using a c pap machine keep you from snoring?

My husband snores so loud, he stays down stairs till I fall a sleep but he usely ends up falling asleep on the couch before I do and I can still hear him when I'm up stairs with my door shut and ear plugs in some nights I just lay in bed and cry I'm so tiered and can't sleep through his snoring he has always snored but it had gotten much much worse in the last 6 months and he falls asleep every where it is very inbearsing we stayed in a bed and breakfast a couple of months ago and where asked to leave after the first night to many other guests complained about the noise It really is that bad any sussgestions would a c pap help?    — kathy B. (posted on January 7, 2003)

January 7, 2003
It sounds like your Husband has sleep Apnea, This is a dangerous condition in that when you have sleep apnea you stop breathing when you sleep. This reduces the oxygen level in your blood and when the saturated oxygen in your blood gets low enough your body tells you to breath and then you gasp and breath and go thru this cycle all over again. The classic signs of sleep apena is snoring so loud that neighbors can probably here you. I would see your doctor and explain what is happening. Your husband should get a sleep test and see if he has sleep apnea. If so diagnosed the an sleep apnea machine will be needed. This esentially blows air all night into your nose and keeps the passageway from collapsing.. The end result is a great nights sleep for the apnea sufferer and no snoring. My wife appreciates this , and I sleep with this machine every night.
   — John P.

January 7, 2003
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea two years ago, and have been using a cpap since. Not only do I feel better, but my wife is very pleased because yes - I no longer snore.
   — GPoynor

January 7, 2003
I agree with the previous responder. Sounds like typical Sleep Apnea. My husband had it so bad that I slept in the spare bedroom for over 6 months a few years ago because I was getting no sleep and was soooo tired that I could hardly work. He wasn't getting a restful sleep either, which started to cause some memory confusion and drowsiness during the day. This can be a serious problem and your husband should really seek medical attention. He needs a sleep study to actually detetmine the extent of his problem. After that, they will suggest alternative solutions to the problem, one of which is the C-pap. My husband elected to have an operation called a "uvulectomy", which in laymens terms is simply having a throat face lift. They remove the uvula at the back of the throat and pull up the loose skin in the throat. Clip off excess skin (much like a tummy tuck) and close the incision. We were told that this solution may or may not last, but we figured it would be better than hookin up to a machine every night or traveling with the c-pap machinery until he had to. There were no guarantees, BUT -- he has been absolutely wonderful ever since the surgery. He will snore on an occassion, but it's more like a purring cat rather than a roaring lion.
   — Brenda D.

January 7, 2003
Please tell your husband to get tested for sleep apnea. This is a very dangerous disorder if it is left untreated. Heart problems, lung problems, high blood pressure, are among some of the problems it can cause.
   — Hackett

January 7, 2003
Run thru this list: snoring loudly in any position; waking up with dry mouth thru the night (some keep water nearby); waking up with headaches; bed is a mess, trashed & sweaty; tired during the day; forgetful; inability to concentrate; falling asleep at inappropriate times (car, work, church).... Those were mine, pretty classic textbook. PLUS due to the osygen deprivation, I woke often with hideous nightmares. Of course, they made me gasp for breath, which is exactly what my body had to do to survive. Sleep apnea is a considered a FATAL breathing disorder. Yes, please take his body to a pulmonologist while he is in good shape. I went willingly, but my husband had to be dragged. We had his 'n hers CPAPS, which saved our lives til we got our WLS.
   — vitalady

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