
I was wondering if there's anyone out there that is on the short side, 5ft. and weigh around 270lbs. that I can see your before and after pictures. I get down because I'm so short and wonder if this huge round body of mine will ever look slender.    — Kelly* P. (posted on January 5, 2003)

January 5, 2003
I'm 5'2 and started at 289 lbs. I am acutally starting to not look so round and its GREAT! Check out my profile and follow the link to my Picturetrail site where I have 2 before pics and a pic for every month since that time. I am now 8.5 months post op and have lost 115 pounds so far. I have also noticed a huge difference since I have been working out 6X's a week. I go to Curves at least 4 times a week and I've been doing the Power 90 workout 2 days a week. I am really trying to avoid plastic surgery, if possible, so I have been dedicated to working my butt off...literally! LOL You will be amazed at the transformation your body will make!
   — pam29922

January 5, 2003
I am 5'3" and weighed 281 at the start. I am now out 5 months and I am down 85 pounds. I'm sorry that I don't have a current AFTER pic but I plan on getting one up in the near future. It literally looked like the skin on my face was close to bursting before I had the surgery and I was round all over. But now I can say that I finally have some sort of a figure. You can do it! It just takes time that's all. It's also hard to see your own progress when you are the one looking in the mirror all the time. Just wait until those compliments start rolling in! Even if you don't SEE the change, you will certainly HEAR it! :) Good luck!
   — Laurel C.

January 5, 2003
5'3" 273 pounds at highest. Now 172.5 still 5'3" :) you can see my before and after at my obesity help profile or go to for a photo journal.
   — ~~Stacie~~

January 5, 2003
heya hun.. 5'2 highest wt almost 8 weeks post op.. i am 211.. and i have went from size 24/26 to a 18/20.. sorry no pics really.. but i belive im looking much better..hope this helps..*huggles and bb*
   — johanna F.

January 5, 2003
Hey Kelly, I have lots of pictures for you to see just go to my profile or email me and I will send all the links with before and after pictures. I am 5'2 and my highest weight was 280, as of this morning i am 150.5, and i get so many compliments my head is will do a fabulous job and look great, feel free to email anytime for support....
   — Deanna Wise

January 5, 2003
hiya. i am 5' 1/4"; pre op was 268lbs, current weight is 124lbs. i have pics on my site, i think from 268 to 126 lbs {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

January 5, 2003
Hi. I am 5'1" tall and when I started out I weighed 276. I am now down to 167 ( loss of 109lbs) at 9 months post-op. There is a before and after picture on my listing but the after pic. is from Nov. and is only after 90lb loss. I really appreciated you asking this question because I also was interested in how people look at my height. My mind is still playing tricks on me and I think I look as I did before surgery when I look in the mirror. Good luck to you! and God Bless, Leah
   — Leah H.

January 5, 2003
I'm MUCH taller at 5'1", started at 262. Lost 150#, hanging 110-115 for years. PIx on my site at
   — vitalady

January 5, 2003
i am 5'3" & started at 280. at my 9 mos anniversary i weighed 180 & at 1 year i weighed 160. check out my pics at the bottom of my profile.
   — sheryl titone

January 5, 2003
Check out my profile; I am 9 months out and practically the same stats as you. Good luck! It will happen for you!
   — kultgirl

January 5, 2003
Hi! I started at 5'0" and 273.5...its been 11 weeks today and I am down somewhere around 56.5 lbs. I go to Curves 3-5 times a weeks and I am noticing that my body is finally changing! I haven't posted any pictures yet, but I am working on it. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
   — Jessica D

January 6, 2003
Well, I'm a little shorter, just 4'11", but I started out at 252 and I'm now down to 112-115. I took me about 15 months to get here. I'm thrilled with my health and how I feel. I do get tired of hearing everyone say I'm too skinny. I wear a size 4 so I know I'm tiny now, I just don't see me that way yet. I've been told that the brain will catch up with the body soon. Good luck, you'll get there. Just keep up the water, protein and exercise.
   — Teri D.

January 6, 2003
I'm 5'0", and weigh between 310 and 320. I'm looking forward to having surgery this year, because I can no longer stand my body and my weight. My family doctor said it would be great if I could lose 100lbs., but that wouldn't even take me down to 200lbs. I realize that a downward trend is better than this continual upward one, but I'd love to weigh below 150. Wouldn't it be great to have a non-overweight BMI? I can't imagine what my body would be like, nor can I imagine what I'm going to spend all of my time obsessing about if it isn't how much I hate my body or how guilty I feel about what I just ate. Good luck in your efforts to slim down. All of us 'petite' women are with you. After all, we have it where it counts! Carol Rein
   — Carol R.

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