Wondering if you are 5'2 220 are you considered a small, medium, or Large frame

While I was at my last appointment when I was deined, I was looking at the paperwork from the Dr.'s office and they have me at a large frame, and that made me 89lbs overweight which I was deinied I had to be a 100lbs, I looked at the small frame and that would have put me over 100lbs, does every person think that because you are overweight, you are automatically a large frame, I have small wrist, and my weight is my lower half. Any comments    — Tina B. (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 2, 2003
You wrap you fingers around your wrist. If your index finger and thumb meet, you are medium frame. If there is space between them, you are large. If they overlap, you are small. Ask your Dr. to change the frame size based on what you find. If he won't, go get yourself another Dr. that is more supportive. Good luck!
   — Carolynn J.

January 2, 2003
Every single day of my life I was considered a "big boned girl". I am adopted and I was even reading my stat sheet that my parents were given prior to picking me up from the adoption agency and it described me as a happy, chubby, big boned baby. Here's the reality - not only am I NOT big boned - I'm actually exceptionally small boned. After losing down to 135 my wrists are BARELY 5 inches around. I am 5'2" and weighed 250. I am convinced that ignorance or laziness or plain ole predjudice led every health care professional who ever treated me to asses me as big boned simply because I was overweight. Fight the denial - you can prove that you're small boned if you actually are. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

January 2, 2003
Carolyn, I was always told to use the thumb and the finger next to the index finger -the one between the index and the ring finger. ??
   — Cindy R.

January 3, 2003
Until the last few years when I have put on even more weight, im 5'2 and 230lbs, I could reach around my wrist with all fingers except my pinky. Now I my index just barely misses, the rest reach. I dont think that is really a good way to judge. BUT, that is just my Talk to your doctor. Good Luck!
   — TheresaC

January 3, 2003
I for one disagree with the finger/thumb test. When I was 230 pounds my finger and thumb had a snowball's chance in, well, you know of meeting. Now I have room to spare. My bones haven't changed but I have lost fat. Chances are you are medium to small boned if you are 5'2". Why on earth would the dr put you as large framed? I would ask. Sounds like a mistake or misunderstanding to me.
   — ctyst

January 3, 2003
I am 5'2" and weighed 223 when I was approved by United Healthcare Select Plus POS (They did not require approval from my primary doctor.) I has lap-RNY 10/9/02 and now weigh 179. Today my fingers do not meet/touch when I wrap my middle finger and thumb around my wrist; so I guess I'm large frame.
   — Wanda R.

January 3, 2003
With Tricare I know they go by weight and frame size. There is a few ways to figure out your frame. One is the fingers around the wrist the other is to measure the bone width on an elbow. It is hard to explain how to do it but if you look at it will tell you how. The doctor I will be seeing goes by medium frame size. He does not even list a small frame on his weight chart. This kinda hurts me as I do measure a small frame. Oh well Good luck- Email me Let me know what happens if you want.
   — Jan S.

January 3, 2003
I am kind of surprised that anyone would be denied based on frame size, since BMI seems to be the standard! I would appeal that denial in a heartbeat. I have read that people who have been heavy all their lives have larger bones than someone who was normal size and gained a lot of weight later in life. This makes sense to me: if you are always heavy, bones will be more developed to carry the weight as you grow.
   — koogy

January 3, 2003
I am 5' 1 1/4" and i always thought I was "big Boned" because I was fat. Not true, I found out not too long ago. I saw somewhere in some magazine that if you measure your wrist with a tape measure(flexible)and look up the chart I was actually medium boned. Woo Hoo! You can look this info up on as another poster entered. Best of luck to you...Aims
   — chickiewickie

January 3, 2003
5'2 and 220 is 40 BMI. I don't understand why that doesn't qualify without this "frame size" nonsense. I would definitly object to the frame category!
   — susanje

January 3, 2003
> Are you big, medium or small boned? Hard to know for many of us. This site > shows us how to "measure" our bone size and has a guide that is equal to our > age, bone size and so on... again, just another chart "out there" but might > prove helpful to some: >
   — vitalady

January 3, 2003
Based on your frame size, if your large boned, you would be able (and would want) to carry more weight then a small framed person. I've always known that I'm large framed and now that I'm thin you would think I'm much thinner then my 128 pounds just due to my frame size. I could easily carry about another 8 to 10 pounds on me just due to my frame size.
   — Patty H.

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