Need Advise about Diabetes and Surgery

   — Jon S. (posted on December 16, 2002)

December 15, 2002
Hi Jon, sorry to hear about your Diabetes :( I also have Diabetes (Diagnosed 1 yr ago) and my surgery date is January 13, 2003!! You need to see a doctor prior to surgery. There's a possibility your surgeon will cancel the surgery if your glucose level is too high the morning of surgery. Afterall, diabetics take longer to heal and have a greater chance of infection and who needs that complication on top of others? Chances are, your doctor will put you either on a diabetic diet or an oral pill to try and regulate your sugar first and if your Diabetes hasn't progressed too far, it will probably work! I am on 3 different oral diabetes medications but my glucose levels are finally in the low 100's! YAY! Get this taken care of asap. It won't just go away and the longer your body is subjected to those high sugar levels, the more damage it does. Also keep in mind, your Diabetes will either greatly improve or be gone very soon after surgery. If you have any other questions, email me anytime at [email protected]. Take care and get that taken care of ASAP, please.
   — thumpiez

December 15, 2002
I was diagnosed with type II diabetes just before my surgery too. I had had four gestational diabetic pregnancies where I was on insulin so it was no surprise. The good news is I never started treatment for it I was able to just have the surgery instead. About two days after the surgery my glucose levels went to normal and have stayed there ever since. I had lap rny.
   — Linda A.

December 16, 2002
See a doctor NOW. It is actually a myth that people with diabetes heal more slowly than anyone else. That is true ONLY if your blood sugars are out of control and 250 is out of control. I have type 1 diabetes, which I've had for 37 years, but had no trouble healing. However, my blood sugars have been in good control for many years. I also made sure I had an endocrinologist on board for my hospital stay to make sure they stayed that way. <p> Also, your diabetes will NOT 'go away' after you have surgery. You will be controlling it with diet and exercise. The reason I say this is that there is no cure for diabetes, not even this surgery. You may not ever have to take meds again, but you do need to have your blood sugars checked periodically. Having an A1C drawn a couple of times a year would be able to tell whether your sugars are staying in normal ranges or not. You don't want to have high sugars for any length of time without doing something about it. That is what causes the complications, high blood sugars over an extended period of time.
   — garw

December 16, 2002
Thank you all for your responses...I have an appointment to see a physician at 2:00 EST. I was lucky to get it that quickly...I will let you know what happens.
   — Jon S.

December 16, 2002
I am a diabetic and i had surgery on 10/31/02 w a blood sugar of 300 and i was fine. I was watched closely
   — sonymcknight

December 16, 2002

   — Jon S.

December 17, 2002
Thats great Jon! You're in good hands now. Also remember to cut the sweets out of your diet and lower the carbs as they just turn to sugar when you eat them. There are some great no-sugar-added alternatives to many foods out there now that taste great. Also be careful about clipping your own toenails now as diabetics often have a loss of feeling in their toes and feet and you could really hurt yourself. Always see a doctor for anything that seems slow to heal, especially on your legs and feet. Lots to remember as a diabetic huh? Lots of responsibility... Good luck to you!!
   — thumpiez

December 17, 2002
LOL...Christie if I could do all that...I wouldn't be in this predicament.
   — Jon S.

December 17, 2002
Oh Jon, do I know all too well! All you can do is try. You don't have long til your surgery and then things will change for you big time and you may be off those meds before too long. What I do is check my blood sugar 1-2 times a day (before meals) and keep an eye on it. Good luck on your big day! Mine is January 13th and can't wait!
   — thumpiez

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