
Why would someone choose to have the Micro Pouch over the regular RNY surgery? Is it the same surgery except for the pouch size?    — Kelly* P. (posted on December 7, 2002)

December 7, 2002
The micro-pouch will not stretch over time and the regular RNY does causing you to be able to eat more and some people end up gaining the weight back. I had the micro-pouch RNY in August and have lost 82 pounds and I feel great.
   — Rya M.

December 8, 2002
i had the micro pouch done in march off 2001 and to date i have lost from 268 the day of sergery to 150, i am happy with it, but the micro pouch does stretch but not as much as a normal pouch, i just had a upper gi done and they said it was the size of a golf ball, when i had it done it was one ounce, the teck said thatthis stretching was normal and it if it din't strech we would starve to death, becouse they make it so small to start with. hope this helps
   — sandra M.

December 9, 2002
I had it in August 2002, 120 lbs gone. I started as a lightweight. No acid reflux, and no stretching to the point of being able to easily gain the weight back. Don't get me wrong, if I grazed all day on carbs, it may take me a while, but I'd gain. I love my micro pouch. He has an extremely high success rate and no revisions!
   — Phiddy B.

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