Has anyone tried WOW potato chips...............

   — MMClosing (posted on November 16, 2002)

November 16, 2002
I am not postop so I don't know if that is who you want to hear from. I tried them back when I was doing WW, they are very big with the WW crowd. Some people reported stomach upset. They never bothered me at all. My husband can eat them by the bag without it bothering him (he doesn't have a weight problem and will eat anything not tied down).
   — susanje

November 16, 2002
I haven't tried them post op. I stay away from anything that high in carbs. Remember carbs convert directly into sugar. Also, after having this surgery do you really want to do anything that is known to mess up your intestinal processes?
   — Jenni K.

November 16, 2002
I've tasted them, but specifically avoid fat free things. FF menas higher sugar. Fat won't make me fat again, but sugar will. Also, RNY can come up short in vits, A, D & E (fat solubles) AND so do regular users of olestra (the non-fat used). So, I don't need the double whammy. The taste was fine, but they had a funny, after feel, sorta, on the roof of my mouth.
   — vitalady

November 17, 2002
I agree with Michelle on this one! Personally, if you absolutely MUST have chips, nibble a couple (only a couple) along with your meal. I do that sometimes. It's rare, but if I'm dying to have them, I figure better to limit it with my protein, than to deny it and then dive into them as the whole meal later. I'll eat a small burger (no bun) and 4 or 5 chips. Works for me - hope it helps...oh and I'm not implying that you're dying for a chip :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 17, 2002
I had WOW chips ONCE preop, had massive diahrrhea from a small amount of chips, so severe I couldn't leave the house for 24 hours. I will not be having them ever again!
   — **willow**

November 17, 2002
hi yes u have trued them in small amounts and i hav been ok so if you try them just a smal amount rosemary

November 17, 2002
I have had all the different types of WOW chips and really like them alot. My favorite is the Doritos WOW nacho cheese chips. I truly can't tell the difference between the WOW and the regular chips as far as taste. I don't eat chips often, but if I crave a few, I have the WOW. Some people have complained of the olestra in them but if you limit to a portion size, it doesn't effect you (at least it doesn't me).
   — Cindy R.

November 17, 2002
I like them now, but when I first started eating them after surgery they seemed to leave a waxy film on my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Now I'm 2 years and 3 months post op and they don't do that anymore. Go figure! I never eat a lot, just a handful or so and they don't give me any of the stomach upset that some say the Olestra does to them. Good luck!
   — Lynette B.

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