Do you think you get a good work out at curves we just got one in town

I went a tryed it they give you first week free but I'm not sure about how good it is the concept if different then I've seen before seems as soon as i sat down in machine it was time to switch doe's any go and what do you think about it.    — kathy B. (posted on November 11, 2002)

November 10, 2002
I can answer for me.....I'm 10wks post-op. I joined curves about 3 weeks ago. Best thing I ever did!!!!!! It's the 1st time in mt life that exercize is fun and "painless". I never miss my 4days/week. At 1st id DID seem a little fast, but that feeling will go away after the 1st week. I recommend it to anyone!
   — Debby M.

November 10, 2002
I haven't joined Curves, yet, but I know several women who have. They love it. It's an easy 30 min overall workout. I plan on joining at 2 months post op.
   — Alice D.

November 10, 2002
Ditto! I love Curves! I joined at 6 weeks post op and am now at 3 months and it is the best thing I've done (besides having surgery)! I can now feel muscles I forgot that I had, and my husband said that I have a teenagers butt again,(he's being generous, obviously, but he loves me). You really notice the muscles that it works on after a couple of weeks, give time, and as you progress you can increase your resistance. Good luck!
   — Dana B.

November 11, 2002
I am 4 months post-op and joined a new Curves in our area, October 2002. Within my first month measurement, I had lost 8 lbs and 18 inches! I too felt the 30 second switching would go by too quickly but, it is really beneficial. I was never one to exercise yet, do not look upon Curves as work. It is fun, rejuvenating and would highly recommend it to you. Good luck, Kathy!
   — Sandy P.

November 11, 2002
I know someone who owns a curves and I belong to a curves. The key to curves is in the repettitions and how many you can get in during the time you are on an equipment station. This is the entire key to the intensity of the workout you get. If you get on an equipment station and your do 4 or 5 reps, then have to move, you are getting minimal benefits (but still benefits!) If you can concentrate while you are on the station equipment and do as many reps as you can in that short period of time, you will get an excellent muscle work out as well as some cardio. Then, you move on to the box (or recovery station) and slow down your heart rate a bit. I've noticed that many who go to curves do it exactly backwards and it's completely wrong. If you take it easy on the equipment stations and act like Jane Fonda on the recovery station (or box) the workout will not be as good as it can be. If you follow the right formula you will get max benefits. So, the answer is- it's all what you make of it! Good luck on your journey!~

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