Has anyone else had a date, cancelled surgery, then later wanted to have surgery?

I had surgery scheduled, then could not go through with it, something inside told me not to do it. It was a combination of being scared to get intubated while awake, fear of dying, fear of pain and probably if I am honest with myself, fear of losing my closest companion - food. Now, 3 months later, I have major regrets. The first month, I lost 13 lbs, but that is where it stopped. Anyone been in the same boat? What did you do and how is everything going? Thanks for your help!    — Michelle G. (posted on November 10, 2002)

November 10, 2002
I didn't do the same thing, but I know there are several people on the message board that have. If you have't posted your question there, try that too. Sorry I don't have more insight to share with you. Good Luck
   — Tami D.

November 11, 2002
Hi! I did the same thing. I had a date of June 6th of this year. I talked to my Dad and he wanted me to try one more time by myself. I thought I could do it. I told everybody that I changed my mind. I did tell the doctor's office I was unable to do the surgery then, and would have to call back at a later time. I went to WW and gained weight the first week. Out of the 20ish times I joined WW I have NEVER gained weight my first week. I stood there and cried my eyes out. After being mad at myself for a couple of months I decided to reschedule. I called my doctor and was given a new date. 11/26/02 : ) (ALL SMILES) I have not looked at "where I could have been". I believe I needed that time to hash out all of my fears and to honestly see if I had it in me to lose it on my own. June was not the right time for me. November 26th is. Search your heart for the right answer for you. Don't look back and wonder or worse kick yourself.....look forward and plan what is in your heart. Email me any time! : ) Dawn
   — Dawn B.

November 11, 2002
Dear Michelle, I havent cancelled my surgery (yet) but I have exactly the same fears that you do and as a matter of fact I laid in bed last night and decided that I would be able to do this on my own and I would start walking today. Then I woke up and thought I must be crazy I have a serious problem and if I could do it I would have already done it. I think the intubated part scares me alot cause my surgeon said he wasnt going to take out the intibation tube till I am fully awake I just wonder why not before I wake up. Is that what they told you too? I have had a really bad weekend cause I think I am greiving the fact that I wont have food to turn to any longer. I dont know if I'm making you feel any better but I am here if you need to talk to someone who understands exactly how you feel. e-mail me anytime [email protected] Laura
   — Laura C.

November 15, 2002
Hi Michelle. My name is Jill. I too had fears. I was actually on the bed with the IV,and lovenox injection administered. Something did not feel right. Got up and left. Found a new doctor I felt more comfortable with and did wls lap. I had surgery Nov. 4th. No complications yet, one night hospital stay, down 20 plus lbs., I have no regets. A friend of mine did the same, now she goes Jan. 2003. Do what is best for you. I did. No one else pays my bills and lives with the decisions I made, but me! No one knows how bad I felt, how I lacked confidence and how truely unhappy I was. Now post I am glad I did . I thought how painful my life was and the uncertainity of my health in the future. I look at my mother who struggles daily with sugar. Her eyes failing, her feet and hand going numb and times when she cannot sit due to her tailbone hurting. Then my father has heart disease, cancer,ect,. Odds for me did not look good. My choice one surgery maybe to correct, or eliminate problems and make me feel and look better or face the legacy of my family. I took my chance now time will tell. Good luck and weigh your options. Jill
   — jill K.

December 21, 2002
I was scheduled over a year ago and backed out. Tried to loose on my own and did loose some and then gained it all back...Then in May of this year I had the surgery.. I am down 170 lbs since then and soooo glad I went thru with it... But you have to do what is right for you.. I knew I could not go on living at 465 lbs. Now down to 290 and starting to enjoy life again.
   — Gary H.

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