Having both tummy tuck & breast reduction next wednesday and was wondering
how many has had both together? They said I'll go in at 7:30am and get out @ 3:30 pm and this as really freaked hubby out. Just wondering if could get input from ones that have had both at one time. — Sammie D. (posted on November 7, 2002)
November 7, 2002
wow, i think i would be freaked out too. those are 2 major procedures being
done and i have not heard of them being done together. i have heard of
having a breast aug and tummy tuck at the same time but not a reduction, i
would be concerned with the blood supply. not trying to scare you, but just
be careful.
November 7, 2002
I am having a tt/breast/reduction/lift done on December 2nd. and my PS said
I will be there 1 night for sure, maybe 2, I can't wait to get mine done,I
am already at goal and wearing a size 3/4, wonder what it will be
afterward!!!:) good luck with your surgery.. I hope everything goes well!!!
— bikerchic
November 7, 2002
I had a full abdominoplasty and liposuction on my arms. I was in surgery
for 3 1/2 hours. My doctor originally estimated 2 1/2 hours. If you are
truly going to be under anesthesia for 8 hours, that seems like a VERY long
time. You might want to clarify that with the doctor and ask him exactly
how long the surgery will take. They can give you a good idea.
— Patty H.
November 7, 2002
Although I'm not having a breast reduction, I am having a circumfrential
body lift and a brachioplasty. My plastic surgeon said count on being in
the OR for 6.5-8 hours. When I place my deposit, my date will be at least 2
months out because that is a huge amount of time for my surgeon to block
off and he's scheduled for other surgeries in bits and pieces. I had a
breast reduction in 1991 though and I was in the OR from 8:30am til 3:45pm
and had no issues whatsoever. It is a long time to be under but the
anethesiologist will do his job, which is to be sure you're breathing and
otherwise OK. If it would help your husband, ask the PS if hubby could talk
to him or the anethesiologist. That may help settle his fears.
— Tina P.
November 7, 2002
Hi had double mastectomy and TRAM flap reconstruction (which is basically a
special way of using your abdominal muscle to reconstruct your breasts and
is a type of tummy tuck) in May. It was definitely a L-O-N-G surgery.
About 8 hours to be exact. My husband had lots of company at the hospital
but he said the time passed quite slow anyway. The O.R. staff was
wonderful about calling every hour with an update. I had a very good
recovery and don't feel that I suffered any ill effects from being under
anesthesia that long. Weighing 115 pounds less than my top weight made the
whole process easier, in my opinion. You can request that your surgeon or
the anesthesiologist or both speak with your husband prior to surgery.
That may help soothe some of his fears. Best wishes to you. The flat
tummy is THE BEST!!!
— ronascott
November 7, 2002
Hi Sammie, 1 year ago I has a tummy tuck and a breast lift. I was glad to
have them both at the same time, it helped me save on the hospital charges
and being put out only once. All I can tell you is to take your pain meds
when you are supposed to. The first three days are "very
interesting"! I just want you to know that it is very worth it, I am
so very glad that I did!
— Livia W.
November 7, 2002
Just wanted to let you know that from all my research that it is very
common do both breasts & tummy at the same time. I know my doc does a
LOT of those together. As for the time frame. I had abdominoplasty with
lipo and was in surgery for over 6 hours. I was pretty out of it for the
first couple days due to the anesthesia & morphine. I think that was
the worst part of having such a long surgery. Don't fret, lots of people
have long surgeries.
— Shelly S.
November 7, 2002
I had a pannilectomy and breast lift w/augmentation on September 25th. Some
of the time that they are giving you could also be time spent in recovery.
I went in at 7:30 also and was in my room by 3:30. This is according to my
husband, I was pretty much out of it. The pain from the panni surgery was
pretty mild. The pain from the breasts was another story. Right now all is
coming together and looking pretty good. Total recovery according to my
doctor is several months. Was it worth it? You bet.
— Janie C.
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