Several folks have mentioned Al Roker's website. What is the address?

   — Dana S. (posted on November 5, 2002)

November 5, 2002
I would love to
   — faybay

November 5, 2002
Isn't it wonderful that Al has come out and told the world that he had WLS? We all suspected and hoped he would step forward as a role model, like Carnie Wilson did. He does look good on the Today show now that he is 100 pounds lighter. Watch Dateline NBC on Nov 12th as the show profiles him and the surgery.
   — Cindy R.

November 5, 2002
   — Carol S.

November 5, 2002
Lets just hope AL Roker has some class & grace and isn't the digusting ogre that Carney is.
   — heathercross

November 5, 2002
Geez....what did I miss? Carnie Wilson a disgusting ogre? She must have done something that I didn't hear about to be called this. When I first started researching weight loss surgery almost 3 years ago, Carnie had just had her surgery. I was touched. I was inspired. I wanted that surgery! I suppose she's not perfect, but then neither am I, but she was in the spotlight, highly visible, and inspirational for me. Just my educated opinion.
   — Lynette B.

November 5, 2002
I agree, Carnie has saved many of us. If she also uses it to earn a living, more power to her. Is there some reason the poster thinks she is disgusting that we are unaware of.
   — faybay

November 6, 2002
I think the poster was referring to the many instances of vulgar language in her book, plus her recounting her last words to her surgeon, asking if she could "swallow"....well, I'm not going to repeat that.....
   — Laurie LOVES her DS

November 6, 2002
I read Carnie's book and know of what they are talking about. She talked freely about her sexualality and asked her surgeon if after surgery, if she would be able to swallow semen. Hey, sounds like a good question to me. At least she had the nerve to ask to ensure she didn't hurt her pouch....
   — karmiausnic

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